Od : Zlatko Lukię (aurelius777@gmail.com)
Datum : 25.07.2021.
Srpske Toplice...? Po kojoj se logici može Gornji Šeher 
zvati Srpske, pa još Toplice? Idemo s činjenicama koje su 
revnosni historičari u službi RS zapostavili: Gornji Šeher 
kao kasabu je zatekao Sofi Mehmed-paša koji je u taj 
kraj došao 1553. sa sljedeęe godine je vakufnamom 
(zakladnicom) izgradio taj dio grada. Šta je izgrašeno? 
Sagradio je Carevu džamiju, javno kupatilo (hamam), 
most preko Vrbasa, karavan-saraj (motel), šezdeset 
devet duęana izmešu, veliki han (prenoęište, uvjetno 
rečeno malo bolji hotel), četiri mlina, što je postalo 
jezgro koje je narod prozvao Gornjim Šeherom - za 
razliku od Banjaluke - koja je se kolokvijalno zvala 
Donjim Šeherom, a izgradio ju je kasnije (1574.) 
izgradio Ferhad-paša Sokolovię. Znači, sandžak-beg 
sandžaka Bosne je izgradio šeher i prirodno je da se ta 
lokacija imenuje tim toponimom. Za podsjeęanje, 
postojao je toponim i Banja Ilidža (što je zapravo 
pleonazam jer obje riječi znače isto), ali ako treba birati

izmešu turcizma i kroatizma - vlasti su izabrale 
kroatizam: toplice. Time dolazimo do drugog dijela 
sintagme: toplice. Toplice su isključivo hrvatski pojam 
koji označava javnu ljekovitu banju, a u ovom slučaju 
poznate su od doba Rimljana. Kao dječak sam se 
nekoliko puta kupa u hamamima (mi smo zvali "hauz" 
jer je to bio austro-ugarski pojam) Gornjeg Šehera jer je 
njihova sumporna voda ljekovita. I buduęi da na mjestu 
gdje su najmanje 400 godina živjeli Bošnjaci, a sada žive 
Srbi - lokalitet ima srpsko-hrvatski naziv. Prekrasno... I 
što je najinteresantnije cijeli taj kompleks hamama je 
pod zaštitom države BiH i u odluci iz 2005. piše da se 
nalazi u Gornjem Šeheru, tj. nigdje ne piše da je riječ o 
Srpskim Toplicama:
A narod, ono malo bošnjačkog naroda, onih koji 
doživljavaju Bosnu kao svoju domovinu - nitko ništa nije 
Drugim riječima, mijenjanje toponima u Banjaluci se 
vrši kontinuirano, od 1992. i traje li traje... A kako 
nazvati tako nešto nego urbicid koji je oblik genocida. To 
je RS. To je suživot...

Komentar Nr. #1
Od : Habibi
Datum : 20.07.2021.
Za vrijeme Rimljana kad si se tu kupao kao dijete :).
dosli Turci (okupatori) i dali ime Gornji Seher. Dosli Srbi

(okupatori) promjenili ime u Srpske Toplice. Kako god uzmes

 nas ko god stigne. To se trebalo zvati Gornje Toplice.

Komentar Nr. #2
Od : Zlatko Lukię (aurelius777@gmail.com)
Datum : 20.07.2021.
U redu Habibi, donekle si u pravu: okupator je okupator. 
Ali Osmanlije su gradile, a drugi su rušili. Doduše i 
Osmanlije su prvo rušili one bogomolje koje su im smetale
pa gradili svoje.

Komentar Nr. #3
Od : slavisa (slavko.trkulja@hotmail.com)
Datum : 20.07.2021.
Nedavno me put naneo do Šehera, ili Srpskih 
Toplica, kako se sada to mesto zove. Bio sam 
neprijatno iznenašen jer je i bazen srušen, nije 
ostao kamen na kamenu, a topla mineralna voda 
otiče u Vrbas. Tuga. Što je bilo šta rušeno ako 
nije napravljeno ništa bolje ili slično? Sve mogu 
da razumem, ali ne i da opravdam. Rušenje banja sa 
kupolom i otvorom na vrhu pogotovo. Čitava 
Banjaluka je uživala u lekovitoj mineralnoj vodi. 
Sad nema ničega! I nije mi problem sam naziv, jer 
niko me ne može naterati da govorim drugačije nego 
onako kako ja hoęu, veę to što skoro deceniju tamo 
nema ničega - ni bazena ni banja. Nekoliko kuęa je 
napravilo neke improvizovane ozidane kade, ali ja 
tu ni noge ne bih oprao. Umesto da nas Bog vidi pa 
da se cela Banjaluka džabe greje, da nas poseęuju 
turisti, mi blejimo ko ovce i čekamo da nam to 
neko uzme i posle naplati.

O promeni naziva ulica, trgova, naselja i škola 
veę sam govorio ranije, ne bih da se ponavljam. 
Samo da napomenem - nije to srpski izum. Ko je 
dobronameran, shvatięe o čemu pričam kad ode u 
Sarajevo, Zagreb, Mostar... da ne nabrajam dalje, 
razvukla bi se tema u nedogled. Čudi me samo kako 
niko o tome na ovom forumu ne govori kada su u 
pitanju Sarajevo, Zagreb, Mostar... O ulicama koje 
su dobile imena po zlikovcima svake vrste. O 
dirigovanoj mržnji prema Srbima, Hrvatska tu 
prednjači tri koplja u odnosu na druge. Valjda 
ęemo jednom shvatiti da ima mnogo više toga što 
nas spaja nego onog što nas razdvaja. I učiniti 
nešto za sebe, ne za druge, samo za sebe. Da je 
BiH ekonomski jaka, bilo koji entitet, sva ova 
priča svela bi se na treęerazredno laprdanje. Kao 
na Zapadu, jer ništa bolje od ekonomije ne može da 
potare razlike mešu ljudima.

Komentar Nr. #4
Od : Eho
Datum : 20.07.2021.
Problem je dosao 1553.

Komentar Nr. #5
Od : muderiz
Datum : 20.07.2021.
Za Habibi:
Ako hoces pravilno naziv za Gornji seher, a to je Gornji
grad,jer seher u pers.jez znaci veliki grad
Banjaluka ka grad pocela je u Gornjem seheru jer je u njemu
sandzak beg bosanski Sofi Mehmed-pasa imao svoj
dvor.B.Anzulovic u svojoj knjizi "Heavenly Serbia from myth
to genocide"napisao je tacno:"Osmanlijsko Carstvo bilo je
najtolerantnija Imperija koja je vladala na Balkanu.'(New

Komentar Nr. #6
Od : Zlatko Lukię (aurelius777@gmail.com)
Datum : 21.07.2021.
Slaviša: "Čudi me samo kako niko o tome na ovom
forumu ne govori kada su u pitanju Sarajevo, 
Zagreb, Mostar..."

Ovo je banjalučki forum i govori se o temama 
koje su vezane za BL. Znaš li da na forumima
drugih gradova postoje slične teme?

Komentar Nr. #7
Od : sudija
Datum : 21.07.2021.
E tako, napokon došosmo do srži svega u BiH.
Tako je Zlatko, svaki forum ima svoj grad,i svoje 
ratne traume i prognane, izgnane, dobrovoljno 
otišle, šljegaoce (od šljegli).
Ima li šta nas da privlači, zbog čega vrijedi 
živjeti, učimo li mlade da postoje i "drugi" 
forumi,a ne samo "naši" forumi. 
Sunshine reggae

Komentar Nr. #8
Od : ivan
Datum : 21.07.2021.
moralna gromadica Slaviško, svojom
bosanskom brekavicom post započne
o tzv. Srpskim Toplicama i kako je
eto njemu svejedno kako se to zove
(bitna je ekonomija jel tako), a sve 
završava pljuvanjem po Hrvatskoj kao
eto najgoroj po svim tim moralnim
mala gebelsovska školica umočena
u grotesknu srpsku ekavicu, oprobanom
metodom kad se neki problem, zločin,
ili bilo šta, nastoji  minorizirati, 
zanijekati i slično., onda se vješto 
usmjeri u nekom sasvim drugom 

kakve veze ima HR (osim same hr riječi
toplice) što je Šeher dobio to groteskno
sve se inače može dovesti u uzročno
posljedičnu vezu, ali kad moralni
ljudi pričaju onda se skoncentriraju
na odrešenu stvar, a uzročno posljedične
veze ostave profesionalnim povjesničarima
istoričarima i dr. da bez emocija rašlane 
odrešen problem ili pojavu. 

kad pričaš o zločinu u Srbrenici onda
pričaj samo o tome a nemoj se vraęati u
vrijeme Otomanije da opravdaš nešto što se 
nikad ne može opravdati. isto vrijedi za
sve, sve ima uzročno posljedičnu vezu ali to
ne smije dominirati jer u tom slučaju
namjera je očita. ružno ili zločinačko
djelo se nastoji relativizirati i na 
kraju i zanijekati. 

mali ljupki salonski fašizam isprintan
bosanskom brekavicom. dozvolite da

Komentar Nr. #9
Od : slavisa (slavko.trkulja@hotmail.com)
Datum : 21.07.2021.
Za Lukięa: Samo se fenomenološki osvręem na taj 
problem i ne znam što tebe vreša kad kažem da 
takve stvari postoje i u Sarajevu, Mostaru... jer 
sve je to deo zajedničke države. Zagreb nije, ali 
oni su posebna priča. Evo, napiši feljton o 
prognanim Srbima u Sarajevu ili Zagrebu, o 
promenama ulica, trgova i škola, i svi ęemo ti 
aplaudirati. Za mene ne postoje dvostruki 
standardi - ili ih ima ili ih nema. Nemam problem 
da osudim sve što je loše, ali kad god se u 
negativnom kontekstu pomenu neki pripadnici drugih 
nacija - ide lavina osuda tipa: četnik, ekavica, 
agent, ubačeni element i more drugih idiotija. Na 
osnovu pojedinačnog uzorka koji se forsira, a to 
je Banjaluka, izvodi se opšti zaključak. Ništa 
nije crno-belo, da je tako, bilo bi mnogo lakše.

 Hajde da našemo ono što nas spaja i da vidimo 
kako ęemo u buduęnosti živeti bolje, a ne da 
stalno iskopavamo ratne sekire. Na primer, da 
Banjaluka ima besplatno grejanje i urešen banjski 
kompleks, jer leži na toplim termalnim vodama, 
priča o Šeheru ili Srpskim Toplicama pala bi u 
drugi plan. Ima more takvih stvari... Uporno 
ponavljam - samo je zdrava ekonomija ključ za 
suživot u BiH. Naravno, svim lopovima država treba 
da pokloni prugasta odela sa brojevima! Generacija 
koja dolazi posle nas zaslužuje šansu da živi 
bolje i u miru!

Komentar Nr. #10
Od : muderiz
Datum : 21.07.2021.
Za Slavisu:
Treba historijske dogadjaje na osnovu cinjenica ocjenjivati
i onda donosoti zakljucke.Ako nauka ne pociva na istini-nema
vjerodostojnog zakljucka.Trebalo bi dogadjanje i posljedice
tih dogadjanja u svakom gradu za vrijeme
rata(Banjaluka,Sarajevo,Zagreb)analizirati na osnovu
vjedostojmih cinjenica pa onda zakljucivati,a ne na osnovu
nagadjanja generalizirati.NAGADJANJA JE

Komentar Nr. #11
Od : slavisa (slavko.trkulja@hotmail.com)
Datum : 21.07.2021.
Za komentar br. 8: Slobodno se ispovraęaj, ali po 
sebi i svojima! Namaži malo i po glavi, možda ubiješ 
smrad koji iz tebe izbija. Ah, da ne zaboravim – sve 
si u pravu, samo gruvaj dalje. Na hrvaštini, 

Komentar Nr. #12
Od : ivan
Datum : 21.07.2021.
Slavek se malo uzbudio pa na 
kraju od uzbušenja svršio na 
brekavici ljupkim pravoslavnim 
orgazmom. histerične žene se 
obično upiške u gaęe. 
dozvolite da bljunem. 

Komentar Nr. #13
Od : Zlatko Lukię (aurelius777@gmail.com)
Datum : 21.07.2021.
Za Slavišu:
"...ne znam što tebe vreša..." Kako si tako oštroumno 
zaključio da me išta vriješa; čime sam to iskazao, kojim 
riječima, kojim stavom?
Napiši ti o prognanim Srbima, ti si Srbin, a ne ja. Jer, 
svatko se češe tamo gdje ga svrbi; a mene svrbi genocid 
nad nesrbima.
Veliš da je sve na osnovu "pojedinačnog uzorka". Kako; 
ako je i dan danas najveęi dio stanovništva RS favorizira 
i Mladięa i Karadžięa.

Komentar Nr. #14
Od : Habibi
Datum : 21.07.2021.
Jebo ti nas znam ja nas. Problem je narod koji glasa. Stoka.

Kakav narod takva vlast, niije bitno gdje. Dodik
koristi kao i svi ostali politicari. Sve to treba vjesati.
Habibi je 
malo pJan! Licno mislim da Slavisa i Zlatko mislie isto ali
se ne 
mogu dogoviriti na kojem jeziku :)

Komentar Nr. #15
Od : Frustracija
Datum : 21.07.2021.
Ono što nas brine u svim postavljenim banjalučkim 
temama je nepovratnost procesa koji se zbio 
1992-1995 u našem rodnom gradu. Bez obzira na 
moguęe nadolazeęe političke promjene nema naroda 
koji bi se mogao ponovo nastaniti tamo i povratiti 
onaj kulturni mozaik koji je postojao do rata.  
Jer pobjeda dokazivanjem zločina u Hagu ili ova 
virtualna na kajaku je pirova! Kakvi smo mi to ljudi?
Srebreničani su se vratili nakon svega što su doživjeli 
a mi mlatimo praznu slamu godinama! 

Komentar Nr. #16
Od : Habibi
Datum : 21.07.2021.
Slazem se s tobom. Na svi srecu mi smo odumiruca vrsta. Ja 
se nadama da ce se za jedno 100-200 godina ludi pitati koji

nam je  bio pa smo smo se tukli medjusobno.

Komentar Nr. #17
Od : Kvarner
Datum : 21.07.2021.
Mudolizu muderizu izronis i ti ponekad.

Komentar Nr. #18
Od : za Slavisu
Datum : 21.07.2021.
nije cudno kada Beograd i Zagreb postavljaju imena 
ulica po svojim 'junacima'. Ali je cudno kada Srbi 
istjeraju komsije iz Banjaluke i preimenuju sve 
ulice po svojim 'junacima',  pa i one 'hrvatske' i 
'muslimanske'. Ne valja ti usporedba

Komentar Nr. #19
Od : Mojmilo
Datum : 21.07.2021.
Djubradi jedna istjerali ste 150 hiljada Srba iz Sarajeva i
sveli ih na 2 posto u FBiH i pricate nesto.

Komentar Nr. #20
Od : Za Mojmila
Datum : 21.07.2021.
Kretenu jedan opkolili ste Sarajevo, pobili ljude i 
srušili grad. Niste zaslužili nigdje u Bosni da živite!

Komentar Nr. #21
Od : Slavisa (slavko.trkulja@hotmail.com)
Datum : 21.07.2021.
Za Lukięa: Za razliku od tebe, mene boli svaka 
nevina žrtva koja je pala u ovom usranom i 
bespotrebnom ratu, bez obzira na veru i naciju. 
Ostale tvoje idiotije, vrli moj književniče, 
nisu vredne nikakvog komentara. Džaba je gluvom 
šaputati i ludom objašnjavati. Tvoja poslednja 
replika samo je dokaz više da ęeš uvek ostati 
samo pisac u pokušaju. Mogu Bošnjaci i Hrvati 
zarad vernosti da te nagrade čime god hoęe, ti 
ęeš uvek ostati mali, ograničen, sputan mržnjom 
i neuk.

 Mešutim, moram ti odati priznanje: kao neko ko 
je bio ponavljač u osnovnoj školi, prijatno si 
me iznenadio koliko si napredovao. I sad ęeš 
opet, kao da si ispao iz odžaka, zatrabunjati: 
Zar ja, ma nema šanse, volim i ja vas, nisam 
majke mi... Tipično dripački!
I džaba na ovom forumu iznova vrtiš prežvakane 
teme i podgrevaš mržnju, kad se budu peglale 
stvari na višem nivou, sudięe ti tvoji. Tako 
uvek biva, bez izuzetka. Jer nema BiH bez Srba, 
upamti to Lukięu, a oni te neęe! Vreme je da se 
aktivira tvoj alter-ego Insan!

Komentar Nr. #22
Od : Za 20
Datum : 21.07.2021.
Zato postoji Republika Srpska!

Komentar Nr. #23
Od : muderiz
Datum : 21.07.2021.
Za Slavisu:
Ne generaliziraj bez cinjenica.Banjaluka  i Sarajevo se ne
mogu porediti nikako  u toku rata ni po uzrocima i po
posljedicama.Shvatanje i razumijevanje UZROKA dogadjaja je
glavna osnova za zakljucivanje o ISTINI O HISTORIJSKOM
"Nema vece vrline od istine i zlocina veceg od

Komentar Nr. #24
Od : BL
Datum : 22.07.2021.
Uzrok je da su bosanski muslimani u saradnji sa Hrvatima
izazvali rat.Posljedica je Republika Srpska.

Komentar Nr. #25
Od : Muho (bendzelaj@gmail.com)
Datum : 22.07.2021.
Muslimana s malim m ima posvuda, kad ih tako oznacuju u 
BiH, a istovremeno katolike Hrvatima, pravoslavce Srbima
toga je oduzeti bosanski identitet, a razlog antibosanstvo.

Takvi ljudi jednostavno mrze Bosance, neki ih se plase, neki

nam zavide, a takvo antibosanstvo je uzrok mnogih zlocina, a

u okviru istih i historijskog revizionizma, prikrivanja
lokalnih obiljezja, davanja imena tudjinaca banjaluckim 
ulicama,  sve u cilju negiranja bilo kakvog traga bosanaca i

ostalih nesrba u historiji Banja Luke.

Komentar Nr. #26
Od : Prije 1553 bi 1552...
Datum : 22.07.2021.
Uh, uh, a sta bi prije 1553? Bila 1552, 1551...i tako
Onoliko rimskih spomenika po cijeloj bivsoj Jugoslaviji i
sve se to zanemaruje, sklanja u podrume, cemu?
I Zlatko ovdje naginje osmanlijskom carstvu, dosadni ste

Lijepo je nesto proucavati, ali biti toliko autistican je
stvarno previse. 

Muderiz proucava nesto, zna nesto, ali se ko pijan plota
drzi onog jednog znanja, hej, ima i drugih knjiga, i drugog

Dajte ljudi, izadjite iz svojeg dvorista, sta ste ograniceni
jednim znanjem, kao konj sto ima ono na ocima, da ne vidi sa

Komentar Nr. #27
Od : Bratislava SK
Datum : 23.07.2021.
Nista novo,svaki dan dumate isto.

Komentar Nr. #28
Datum : 23.07.2021.
Pod br..26.
Ovaj Anonimus Ilustrisimus
htio bi da odredi sta ce se diskutovati i kako.
Pravi Cenzor ,a  sigurno je neko od njegovih bio sljedbenik
Andreja Zdanova ili balkanskog kasapina.
Za Anonimusa NO. 26 vrijedi izreka:Sus Minervam docet!

Komentar Nr. #29
Od : Zlatko Lukię (aurelius777@gmail.com)
Datum : 25.07.2021.
Muderize, stvarno si me od srca nasmijao svojim
komentarom. Ustvari, to je više od komentara, to
je dobar udarac u ono malo mozga koliko ga ima
zatvorenik br. 26.

Komentar Nr. #30
Od : muderiz
Datum : 25.07.2021.
Postovani Zlatko,
Dobro bi bilo da je samo jedan anonimus kao ovaj da se
javljaju i zele da di ti sole pamet.Nazalost,imah ih vise na
stranicama cafekajaka-a to su vjerojatno sve saleteliti ili
trabanti iste skole bizantinizma-,pa je to razlog da se ja
vrlo rijetko javljam sa komentarima.
Za ove cenzore ima jedan duhovit naziv koji im najbolje
odgovara:JEBIVJETAR,a cuo sam ga od svog komsije ,jednog
starog Roma,koji je jako duhovit i pun mudrih izreka i sala.

Komentar Nr. #31
Od : Autisticni lupaju poistom
Datum : 25.07.2021.
Vas dvojica, Muderiz i Zlatko, stvarno ste ono malo, sto
rece Mudoriz, Jebivjetri. To su cinjenice cim vidimo temu. 
Kod vas bas dosadno pa udri po istim knjigama.

Sto onda niste ostali u BiH kad je stalno spominjete?
Bilo, bilo, bilo i...? I vi bili u stomaku, rodili se,
odrasli nekako kao i svi mi, ostarili kao i ostali, 
sve pod spagu bilo (ha, ha, ha, srednjoskolcima sipan Zvekan
lose kvalitete u flase od pive, gimnazijalci bez mozga,
postzemljotresni Tarzani) i sad sve pod 90 stepeni i
H-Istorija mora da bude kako Tarzo kaze, 
dajte se malo okupajte, obrijte, zube sredite, nokte
pogotovo, u planinu, disite.

Komentar Nr. #32
Od : Tile
Datum : 25.07.2021.
Treba ovdje jedan novi Tito. Da nevaljalce postroji 
a ostale pusti da zive. Ili da uvezemo i hinduse pa 
da bude jos veselije koja ce vjera koju da 
namagarci. Ono BL Trg Brahmaputre i ulica Sai Babe 

Komentar Nr. #33
Od : haha
Datum : 25.07.2021.
nambrr 31 to ti o higijeni iz licnog iskustva?

Komentar Nr. #34
Od : Zlatko Lukię (aurelius777@gmail.com)
Datum : 25.07.2021.
Za robijaša Br.31
Blago tebi. 
Promašio si temu. 
Uz to si nepismen. 
Evo ti jedan iz gaęa.

Komentar Nr. #35
Od : dodo
Datum : 17.08.2021.
za 5.

daj ne kenjej mudi!

Komentar Nr. #36
Od : qmcidtrk (jkwcgj@nhrfkg.com)
Datum : 19.11.2021.
Wue0sU  rphbeujqptqb,

Komentar Nr. #37
Od : Garret (careymyi@usa.net)
Datum : 04.04.2022.
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Komentar Nr. #39
Od : Milford (infest@msn.com)
Datum : 04.04.2022.
I'm not sure
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to ensure that the words of Thomas Jefferson, "We hold these
truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal,"
lived up to their meaning, just as Lincoln sought to do. It
is therefore quite appropriate that the monuments to these
three astute Americans are within eyeshot of each other.

Komentar Nr. #40
Od : Addison (malcom0q@aol.com)
Datum : 04.04.2022.
Could I have an application form?
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auction began in June, and VanDerBrink has taken calls from
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each have one mile on their odometer. The oldest vehicle
with fewer than 20 miles dates to 1958; the newest is a 1980
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Datum : 04.04.2022.
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much about crime and punishment as XƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā™s and OƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā™s.

Komentar Nr. #42
Od : Micah (hubert6h@yahoo.com)
Datum : 04.04.2022.
We need someone with qualifications
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number of banking industry trade groups, including the
American Bankers Association, which were not directly
involved in the lawsuit.

Komentar Nr. #43
Od : Samual (garrett7b@usa.net)
Datum : 12.04.2022.
Could you please repeat that?
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couple of things to call out there. Number one, I think that
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at USA TODAY where, obviously, the vast majority of our
national publishing revenue resides, I think is just doing a
terrific job in really presenting the value that USA TODAY
brings across all platforms, but especially the continuing
value of our print product there. So we feel very good about
the progress we've made on the national front. Obviously,
we'll have to see -- there's going to be a lot of things
that are, frankly, impacted by what the second half of the
year and beyond look like from an economy standpoint, and
there's a lot of question marks around whether the Fed's
going to tighten, not tighten, what health care costs are
going to look like. And the psychology, frankly, of CEOs of
companies and how they feel about spending is going to be --
especially at the national level, is going to be -- have an
important impact on things. But I feel extremely pleased
with the good progress that USA TODAY is making and the team
that we now have in place there to lead even further
innovation and further opportunities, both on the print, as
well as even as, importantly, the digital side.

Komentar Nr. #44
Od : Adrian (fredrickl17@yahoo.com)
Datum : 12.04.2022.
We were at school together
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jaw-dropping $1bn, which included an $898m increase in
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Komentar Nr. #45
Od : Boris (crazyivan@yahoo.com)
Datum : 12.04.2022.
I was made redundant two months ago
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that while Labour are saying 'let's get energy prices down
for families, let's help families with childcare, let's get
people back to work,' he's sending his chancellor to
Brussels to stand up for bankers and bankers' bonuses."

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performed CPR, officials said, while Hamden Fire Chief David
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in the ambulance.

Komentar Nr. #47
Od : Edwardo (dwainr88@gmail.com)
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Just over two years
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African-Americans because both companies used criminal
background checks as a tool for employee screening. As
blacks are incarcerated at nearly six times the rate of
whites, they're disproportionately affected by this type of

Komentar Nr. #49
Od : Royce (edmondp37@gmail.com)
Datum : 12.04.2022.
I'll text you later
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Od : Freeman (jameyq53@gmail.com)
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Alessandra Galloni; Editing by Hugh Lawson)

Komentar Nr. #55
Od : Elvis (alonzob13@aol.com)
Datum : 12.04.2022.
We're at university together
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Komentar Nr. #56
Od : Paige (infest@msn.com)
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measures the company uses to shield itself from price

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has a two-year-old son Jack, was returning to the
barracksƃĀ‚Ć‚Ā  when he was attacked, and died from multiple
cut and stab wounds. David Cameron and thousands of mourners
attended the funeral of the 25-year-old from Middleton,
Greater Manchester, in July.

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Komentar Nr. #59
Od : Edmond (francisco1o@aol.com)
Datum : 12.04.2022.
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committee member, Lynn Scarlett, says that the changes
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ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚ĀœWe were very careful to underscore there is no
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Fox News.

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raised complaints because they knew the decision had been
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Datum : 12.04.2022.
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appear in court on Dec. 31 for an October traffic stop. He
had been charged with careless driving and not having a
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parking. ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚ĀœIt just doesnƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā™t go around here,ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā
sniffed one.

Komentar Nr. #65
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money and top honors itƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā™s also a tight-knit group of
friends with plenty of jokes between each other, such as
ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Āœif you were any slower youƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā™d have a birdƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā™s
nest in your hatƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā. On the other hand, like in many
competitions, ego and confidence play an important role in
winning, so as one veteran quipped ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚ĀœEverybody here
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Komentar Nr. #66
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presence of women and children in a confined space and the
police's record in crowd dispersal, there is a substantial
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Komentar Nr. #67
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Chicago, but Republican leaders decided to move the venue to
Boston in the wake of the April 15 Boston Marathon bombing,
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viable primary budget surplus this year," the official said
on condition of anonymity, after the first meeting in the
latest review of Greece's bailout by its lenders.

Komentar Nr. #71
Od : Refugio (leopoldo7s@yahoo.com)
Datum : 12.04.2022.
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second-degree murder charge for killing Martin. If convicted
of the murder, he could face up to life in prison. The
jurors have also been given the option of convicting him of
manslaughter, which carries a maximum sentence of 30 years
in prison.

Komentar Nr. #72
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Witnesses at the trial have recalled an era when Bulger and
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Datum : 12.04.2022.
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House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing Wednesday. Secretary
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communications are "probably classified," but that he's
unaware of any intentional deception.

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Datum : 12.04.2022.
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double standards pertains to the foreign policy of many
countries, and it can be pointed out in numerous instances.
Countries donƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā™t make foreign policy decisions based on
cookie-cutter approaches to morals or interests. At some
point, you reach a fork in the road where you have to
choose, ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚ĀœAre we going to protect our interests or our
values?ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā You canƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā™t have both. The Reagan
administration made the decision to protect its interests;
the US will have to make that decision again. ƃĀ‚Ć‚Ā 

Komentar Nr. #76
Od : Fredric (lawrencel46@aol.com)
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Komentar Nr. #78
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aggressive use of tear-gassing and water cannons. What he
inadvertently did was spray water on an oil fire. It spread.

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struggled with his short game, or why his Saturday scoring
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inconsistency, which Ryder Cup captain Paul McGinley
defended after McIlroyƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā™s Irish Open flop.

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Od : Mishel (shelton6t@usa.net)
Datum : 13.04.2022.
Do you know the address?
anticonceptionale yasmin pret  Chavez said he was shocked
when he found out after her death that Tera Chavez was also
having an affair with an Albuquerque police officer who was
married to the maid of honor in her wedding. They had sex in
the back of a hair salon where she worked, according to

Komentar Nr. #97
Od : Mohammad (junior0t@usa.net)
Datum : 13.04.2022.
I'm a housewife
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abduction and using child soldiers, former President of
Liberia Charles Taylorā€™s sentence of 50 years in
prison has been upheld by appeal judges at a special war
crimes court in The Hague.

Komentar Nr. #98
Od : johnansaz (smithio34ga1134@yahoo.com)
Datum : 17.04.2022.

Komentar Nr. #99
Od : markus (smithio34ga2s514@yahoo.com)
Datum : 18.04.2022.

Komentar Nr. #100
Od : Trevor (gerryley@yahoo.com)
Datum : 22.04.2022.
Where do you live?
imiquimod preo panvel  Last month, the government took in
$185 billion in revenues, about $7 billion more than was
absorbed in August 2012. So far over the full fiscal year,
which began in October, revenues are up 13 percent.

Komentar Nr. #101
Od : Elisha (ashleyc24@usa.net)
Datum : 22.04.2022.
Which year are you in?
davkovanie ivermectinu  Critics of the study insist that it
does not prove cause and effect. Indeed, it may be that wine
drinkers are happier and more healthy mentally due to other
factors like being married or having a better social life.

Komentar Nr. #102
Od : Douglas (trenthro@usa.net)
Datum : 22.04.2022.
Do you know the number for ?
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entrepreneurs lived in households where theaverage income in
1979 was $88,711, compared with $67,548 forthe population as
a whole, according to Levine's study of theNational
Longitudinal Survey of Youth.

Komentar Nr. #103
Od : Jayden (portervoj@gmail.com)
Datum : 22.04.2022.
How do you spell that?
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probably or way back when. Not in college (Missouri), we
were decent, but not like this,ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā Richardson said,
adding he thought his high school team in St. Louis had the
best defense in the state.

Komentar Nr. #104
Od : Kaitlyn (junior0t@usa.net)
Datum : 22.04.2022.
I've just graduated
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the Kingā€™s Course, at nearly 6,800 yards with a par of
71, is the stiffer challenge of the Gleneagles layouts, with
some steep undulations and tricky platform greens. Play off
the white tees, and you save 400 yards, but lose a shot
ā€“ par 70. I have a soft spot for its sister course,
the Queenā€™s, which is only 6,000 yards, par 68, but
has a tough opening six into the prevailing wind, and some
glorious holes in the bosky countryside around the turn.

Komentar Nr. #105
Od : Jeffry (heribertoagg@yahoo.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
Where are you calling from?
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used on the face  Though the sneaky cats were at large on
the tracks for more than seven hours, they reappeared around
6 p.m. and were corralled and captured within the half hour,
MTA spokeswoman Judie Glave said. They were taken to a
nearby shelter, police said.

Komentar Nr. #106
Od : Kermit (brenti32@usa.net)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
I'm a partner in 
bisoprolol-fumarate discount  NEW YORK, Sept 27 (Reuters) -
Global equity markets fell andthe dollar hit a 7-1/2-month
low against the safe-haven Swissfranc on Friday as the
prospect of a shutdown of U.S. governmentoperations next
week and a possible debt default several weekslater
unsettled investors.

Komentar Nr. #107
Od : Steep777 (terrell8q@usa.net)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
Which team do you support?
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Froome had sped away with 7km left like Gordon the Big
Engine showing off to Thomas the Tank Engine, ended up
losing 1min 40sec to him and is now 4:25 adrift overall.

Komentar Nr. #108
Od : Madison (mitchell8y@gmail.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
I'm interested in this position
acheter lipitor offshore-pharmacy.com  The Commission says
almost 700,000 Europeans die from smoking-related illnesses
each year - equal to the population of Frankfurt or Palermo.
The associated costs for healthcare in the EU are estimated
to be at least 25.3bn euros (ƃĀ‚Ć‚Ā£20.6bn; $33.4bn) annually.

Komentar Nr. #109
Od : Boris (jeffery5s@aol.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
Could you ask her to call me?
location yasmine hammamet la marina  Others have followed
suit, with more than 100 companies registering with the
government as of Friday to become power producers and
suppliers. Manufacturers and others are also setting up
in-house generators to produce electricity and cut costs as
the big regional utilities hike prices - further eating into
the monopolies' market share.

Komentar Nr. #110
Od : Wilford (daltonp65@gmail.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
I've been made redundant
teva-rosuvastatin 5mg  Merkel "enjoys popularity even among
supporters of the opposition parties, itƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā™s quite
overwhelming," says Peter Matuschek, chief political analyst
for the Berlin-based polling company Forsa. "No matter what
coalition will be formed, right now it's almost impossible
that the Social Democrats will lead the next government."

Komentar Nr. #111
Od : Arturo (victor3m@gmail.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
How would you like the money?
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wife because of the cattle and belongings," said 70-year-old
Kaushalya Jena, weeping in fear inside the makeshift
shelter. "I don't know if they are safe."

Komentar Nr. #112
Od : Boris (reubenbmz@yahoo.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
I'm at Liverpool University
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about it - Lady Gaga loves her fans. The eccentric singer
wrote on Twitter that she had the words "Little Monsters" -
her nickname for her fans - tattooed on her arm. 'look what
i did last night. little monsters forever, on the arm that
holds my mic,' she tweeted. 'chola tattoo from shamrock, so

Komentar Nr. #113
Od : Carmelo (jamarrya@aol.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
Three years
entocort ec manufacturer  Originally, the company had
scheduled a webcast and conference call with management on
Friday to discuss the results, but those events were
cancelled on Wednesday following the deal with Fairfax.
However, BlackBerry plans to publish consolidated financial
statements and a management discussion and analysis of
results for its second quarter next week.

Komentar Nr. #114
Od : Napoleon (doylej60@gmail.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
An envelope
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Sino-Japanese ties have been further strained since
September, when the territorial row over the East China Sea
islands flared following the nationalization of the islands
by Abe's predecessor last September.

Komentar Nr. #115
Od : Gustavo (rolandz43@lycos.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
How much is a Second Class stamp?
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FBI statistics show that 53 gangs have been identified with
members who have served in or are affiliated with the U.S.
military. Those gangs include MS 13, Latin Kings, Crips,
Bloods and Barrio Azteca, some of the most notorious and
nefarious outlaw groups operating in the U.S. and Mexico.

Komentar Nr. #116
Od : Keneth (alton7d@yahoo.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
Where are you from?
buy levitra soft baikal-pharmacy.com  In a response to
Netanyahu's speech, Khodadad Seifi, a representative of the
Iranian U.N. delegation, rejected Israel's allegations and
told the 193-nation General Assembly that Iran was "fully
committed" to its nuclear nonproliferation obligations.

Komentar Nr. #117
Od : Isaias (tyler1d@aol.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
What sort of music do you listen to?
benadryl and ibuprofen toddler  A newly married man, in some
difficulty with his wife, asked an astroleger when his
troubles would be over. The astroleger told him to wait for
seven and a half years. Anxiously the guy asked again:
ā€œWill everything be all right then?ā€ ā€œNo,
you will get used to them!ā€ replied the astroleger.
Nothing will come out of the discussion. We will be back in
square one.

Komentar Nr. #118
Od : Eduardo (shaynejsw@lycos.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
Could I borrow your phone, please?
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may have been in town for a tennis tournament in the
Coachella Valley. He was found with a duffel bag of exercise
clothes, a backpack and tennis rackets. He also carried four
forms of identification ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā” a passport, a California
identification card, a veteran's medical card and a Social
Security card ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā” all of which identified him as Michael
Thomas Boatwright.

Komentar Nr. #119
Od : Jocelyn (montegal@aol.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
Incorrect PIN
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United Nations Samantha Power's remarks on Thursday left no
doubt that Washington would not seek U.N. approval for a
military strike on Syria in response to an Aug. 21 chemical
attack near Damascus.

Komentar Nr. #120
Od : Gregg (emmett1r@aol.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
My battery's about to run out
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some Treasuries normally used as collateral for short-term
loans, a sign that a deadlock over the debt ceiling could
disrupt a key source of day-to-day funding in the financial

Komentar Nr. #121
Od : Alden (maxwell8k@gmail.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
Is it convenient to talk at the moment?
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baseball and the terms of your contract, the one you say
others are trying to violate, when you went to a phony
anti-aging clinic because of your own obsession with growing
old in baseball, and your growing obsession with breaking
the all-time home run record?

Komentar Nr. #122
Od : Claudio (haroldk40@lycos.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
This is the job description
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Komentar Nr. #123
Od : Lavern (kermitf69@aol.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
Very funny pictures
isoptin sr 120 mg gdzie kupi  Non-defense capital goods
orders excluding aircraft, a closely watched proxy for
business spending plans, increased 0.7 percent last month,
the Commerce Department said. May's gain was also revised
higher, to 2.2 percent from 1.5 percent.

Komentar Nr. #124
Od : Corey (joseph8e@aol.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
I like watching football
folcres minoxidil farmacias del ahorro  ā€œItā€™s
shameful ā€¦ the debt ceiling exists to scrutinize
spending and the only time in a decade, the only real cuts
is through the sequester,ā€ the spokesman said.
ā€œThe CR we are seeing emerge erases the sequester
spending levels and allow it to grow. That sets us up for
another debt ceiling hike and another extension of it
without an honest assessment of what got us here.ā€

Komentar Nr. #125
Od : Jaden (rodolfo8v@usa.net)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
I quite like cooking
combination of clomid and duphaston  LONDON, Aug 8 (Reuters)
- British insurance group Aviva unveiled a 5 percent rise in
operating profit that beatmarket forecasts, with rising
sales, lower costs and healingfinances vindicating a
group-wide shake-up.

Komentar Nr. #126
Od : Woodrow (harland4l@lycos.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
Could you tell me my balance, please?
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rabid cats are reported each year in the United States, said
Jesse Blanton, an epidemiologist with the CDC and one of the
paper's authors. It's estimated that 16% of people in the
United States who undergo rabies treatment were exposed to
the deadly virus from cats. They must be treated with a
series of shots that costs about $2,000.

Komentar Nr. #127
Od : Michale (mitchflx@yahoo.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
Until August
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party's conference in Westminster was diverted from Mr
Farage's keynote speech by Mr Bloom's actions, which also
included an altercation with a TV journalist over
allegations of "racism". Pressed about the sluts comment, Mr
Bloom told Sky News: "I made a joke and said 'oh well you're
all sluts' and everybody laughed including all the women."

Komentar Nr. #128
Od : Crazyfrog (jonathont17@aol.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
I'll put him on
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and sports can be awkward, as this yearƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā™s world
championships demonstrates. The competition is being held at
Luzhniki Stadium, the main venue used for the 1980 Moscow
Olympics that the United States boycotted.

Komentar Nr. #129
Od : Joesph (armandod92@aol.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
Will I get paid for overtime?
ocuuna atarax kullananlar  BoehnerƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā™s office complains
that itƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā™s President Obama who is being recalcitrant and
refusing to negotiate. This is disingenuous. Had the speaker
proposed a negotiation over the federal budget, the White
House would be at the table. After all, the budget impasse
is why we need a continuing resolution to fund the

Komentar Nr. #130
Od : Oscar (waylone32@aol.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
I can't get a dialling tone
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followers, who are a forgiving lot, want him to stay, not
least because there has been no top-end transfer activity
yet at Old Trafford. Chelseaā€™s wedge of supporters,
meanwhile, would have liked to take him home with them to
Euston, and serenaded him with ā€œWeā€™ll see you
next weekā€, moments before he took John Terry out from
behind with an elbow.

Komentar Nr. #131
Od : Napoleon (chung5q@aol.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
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between 5 percent and 100 percent broken rice available in
Thailand has narrowed to just $30 a tonne currently from $60
a tonne in June last year and $85 in 2011. "The spread has
tightened up very dramatically," said Ben Savage, managing
director of London-based Jackson Son and Co, a rice broker
since 1860.

Komentar Nr. #132
Od : Gerald (whitney6s@yahoo.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
this is be cool 8)
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filled with station trash and cut loose for a fiery
destruction upon re-entry, following a monthlong visit.
Thatā€™s how the Russian, European and Japanese supply
ships wind up, too ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā” as incinerators.

Komentar Nr. #133
Od : Jeremy (salvatoreaxb@lycos.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
How much does the job pay?
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representative of the Rocket Forces, the test was used to
confirm characteristics of the Topol missile, to test the
systems of the Sary Shagan test site, and 'to test new
combat payload for intercontinental ballistic missiles,'"
RussianForces.org wrote on Oct. 10.

Komentar Nr. #134
Od : Terrell (richie8c@aol.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
What sort of music do you listen to?
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assistant learned that monthly premiums on Medicare
Advantage PPO plans for herself and her husband Daniel, 72,
a retired UPS employee, will be going down to $140 a month,
from $218.50. But she will now have co-pays when she goes to
the doctor.

Komentar Nr. #135
Od : Grant (richardd73@lycos.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
renova renovations edmonton  "Dollars have to be used to
feed the national economy, notto speculate with," Saime head
Juan Carlos Dugarte said, addingthat his organization was
working with state currency boardCadivi to stop the scam.

Komentar Nr. #136
Od : Emanuel (maria1w@usa.net)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
Very Good Site
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trademarked the name Cronut early on (is there a need for a
specialist hybrid patisserie lawyer, we wonder?) but plenty
of other bakeries have tried their hand at the
doughnut/croissant love child. In London, the undisputed
king is East London bakery Rinkoffā€™s
ā€œCrodoughā€. The pastries are injected with three
delicious flavours - custard, raspberry and toffee apple
crumble ā€“ and are so statuesque one will probably rule
out the need for any more food for at least a day. Unless
there happen to be duffins around, that is...

Komentar Nr. #137
Od : Linwood (darenj24@gmail.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
What's the exchange rate for euros?
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well over 100 basispoints since May, to 4.8 percent in the
latest week, onspeculation the U.S. Federal Reserve will
soon taper its$85-billion-per-month in buying of Treasuries
andmortgage-backed securities.

Komentar Nr. #138
Od : Arden (lewisgxm@lycos.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
Which team do you support?
priligy online kaufen sterreich  The video itself is more
than a little packed with embellishments of Dwightā€™s
career accomplishments up until this point. Itā€™s also
got some great animation of Mark Cuban and Dirk Nowitzki.
About his own inclusion in the video, Cuban added, ā€œit
was not my idea to have my ugly mug in there. I was vetoed
by multiple people who thought it should be in there.ā€

Komentar Nr. #139
Od : Damon (joshuaq87@lycos.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
How many more years do you have to go?
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almost like professional baseball teams that are winning big
only by playing with little league teams," said Shima, who
estimates small firms in Japan have lost some $10 billion
from mostly currency derivatives in recent years.

Komentar Nr. #140
Od : Willie (derek2i@gmail.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
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cracked, Leon was moved with others to the Gross-Rosen
concentration camp in Germany, and then to Brinlitz in
Czechoslovakia, where Schindler had taken over an arms
factory. In May 1945 the Soviet Army arrived and the Jewish
workers were liberated. Schindler and his wife escaped to
the US zone of Germany. Frank was convicted at Nuremberg and
hanged. Shortly before his death he repented and returned to
the Catholicism of his childhood.

Komentar Nr. #141
Od : Bob (jacobw25@yahoo.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
Your account's overdrawn
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financial markets regulator FINMA said earlierthis month
that it was investigating several Swiss banks. FINMAdid not
name the banks under scrutiny but said multiple banksaround
the world were potentially implicated.

Komentar Nr. #142
Od : Robby (chung5q@aol.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
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worries come just days after the Ministry of Defence
announced it was creating a new Joint Cyber Reserve Unit to
help defend national security as it battles against hundreds
of thousands of attacks against secure government sites each

Komentar Nr. #143
Od : Emilio (ezequiel7b@gmail.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
I'm at Liverpool University
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temporarily suspending sales of Zilmax in the United States
and Canada, following concerns about the drug, which is
given to cattle to increase their weight before slaughter.

Komentar Nr. #144
Od : Lyman (odellt31@usa.net)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
Looking for a job
ciprofloxacino alergia penicilina  Three of the senior
members of the far-right Golden Dawn party arrested on
Saturday for belonging to a criminal organisation have been
released on bail pending trial, while MP Yannis Lagos has
been remanded in custody.

Komentar Nr. #145
Od : Jayson (jarvis2c@lycos.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
I like it a lot
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performance plastics business was expected to grow through
2013. Margins for U.S. chemical companies have improved
vastly due to cheap, shale-derived natural gas, used to
produce ethylene, a building block for plastics.

Komentar Nr. #146
Od : Benjamin (wilburn83@lycos.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
What sort of work do you do?
imuran myasthenia gravis  On this week's edition of the
Daily News Fifth Yankees Podcast, Mark Feinsand sits down
with Robinson Cano to discuss next week's All-Star Game, his
participation - and hopeful redemption - in the Home Run
Derby, as well as what the Yankees have to do in the second
half to reach October. ... plus much more!

Komentar Nr. #147
Od : Lincoln (jeremyw42@yahoo.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
Could you give me some smaller notes?
cuanto cuesta la pastilla cytotec en panama  The reaction of
those even further to the Right has been apoplectic. BNP
chairman Nick Griffin has raged about this
ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚ĀœbetrayalƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā, which he intriguingly puts down to the
ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Āœdecision of RobinsonƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā™s Zionist puppet masters to
pull the plug on the EDLƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā. But others have questioned
how much difference it will make to the EDL and similar

Komentar Nr. #148
Od : Nestor (kasey0a@yahoo.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
I've lost my bank card
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one-third of its revenue from defense. It used to be closer
to half. All defense companies have been reorganizing their
factories and looking for new customers after automatic
federal spending cuts kicked in this spring.

Komentar Nr. #149
Od : Virgilio (travisr46@yahoo.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
I can't get through at the moment
bactrim ds reviews  While increasing the size of the
nationƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā™s economy, theexpanded components of GDP had
little influence on the quarterlypercentage changes in
growth, economists at the BEA said thisweek. These
comprehensive revisions happen about every fiveyears and
affect the data as far back as 1929. The average gainin GDP
over the past eight decades was revised up by 0.1percentage
point to 3.3 percent.

Komentar Nr. #150
Od : Flyman (humbertov59@usa.net)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
How long have you lived here?
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use 21 centralizers in theMacondo well, and BP chose to use
six. Halliburton later claimedthat if BP had followed its
recommendation to use more, the wellwould have been more

Komentar Nr. #151
Od : Lucien (ernestp36@lycos.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
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flying 25 percent slowerthan normal for a descent in the
run-up to Saturday's crash,according to U.S. National
Transportation Safety BoardChairwoman Deborah Hersman.

Komentar Nr. #152
Od : Ivory (jeromejqr@lycos.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
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proposed a cross-partyagreement between the ruling coalition
and opposition Socialiststo guarantee wide support for
austerity measures needed forPortugal to exit its bailout
next year, followed by elections.

Komentar Nr. #153
Od : Garrett (everette4d@lycos.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
A law firm
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investment, via a capital increase,could lead to a review of
the negative outlook on DONG's creditrating. It will allow
DONG to strengthen its balancesheet, hit by falling
electricity demand due to the economiccrisis and competition
from cheap coal, and pursue its ambitionto become a leading
player in offshore wind energy.

Komentar Nr. #154
Od : German (dustyp62@aol.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
No, I'm not particularly sporty
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evidence showed that consuming artificial sweeteners often
leads to weight gain. The authors believed the artificial
products confused the body's ability to regulate calories
based on tasting something sweet.

Komentar Nr. #155
Od : Hipolito (brenti32@usa.net)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
I want to make a withdrawal
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but the FOMC decisionmay not necessarily be a bad thing,"
said Linus Yip, astrategist at First Shanghai Securities. He
was referring to theFederal Open Market Committee, the
policymaking arm of the U.S.Federal Reserve.

Komentar Nr. #156
Od : Brant (giuseppeijf@aol.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
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stagehands make an average of $400,000 per year including
benefits, The New York Times reported, citing the
organization's tax returns. Claffey said there were many
more stagehands represented by the union who work only

Komentar Nr. #157
Od : Dannie (darius6u@lycos.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment
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finally able to access the epicenter of the blasts, the
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evacuated residents will finally be allowed back to assess
the damage.

Komentar Nr. #158
Od : Sebastian (brainh28@lycos.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
We're at university together
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recovered some of the territory lost during Monday's plunge.
The Nikkei 225 index jumped 1.5 percent to close at
13,869.82 despite a drop in industrial output for June. The
Economy Ministry said manufacturing slipped 3.3 percent from
the month before in June and was 4.8 percent lower than a
year before.

Komentar Nr. #159
Od : Julius (ethant86@aol.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
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station and told the person working the front desk that he
had shot her.

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Datum : 23.04.2022.
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Komentar Nr. #162
Od : Stewart (franklino98@usa.net)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
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decided to part ways after the New Orleans rapper offended
the family of Civil Rights figure Emmett Till. Wayne stopped
short of an apology to Till's family privately in a letter,
but expressed regret for the lyric. And Rick Ross and Reebok
split after the Miami rapper issued a verse about using a
drug to clandestinely incapacitate a woman before having sex
with her.

Komentar Nr. #163
Od : Dexter (joshuaq87@lycos.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
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another best actress Oscar. Los Angeles Times film critic
Betsy Sharkey said Cuaron asked Bullock to do a free-fall
with major implications and she "pulls off a breathtaking

Komentar Nr. #164
Od : Issac (dirtbill@yahoo.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
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of the passengers on the train described what happened:
ā€œI didnā€™t hear much, all I saw, all I felt was a
bump and then I saw smoke and we were going off the tracks,
I thought we were going to flip over. People were just
shocked because it happened so suddenly, I was doing a bit
of work and all of a sudden it just happened, you
donā€™t expect it.ā€

Komentar Nr. #165
Od : Jamaal (cortezqgp@aol.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
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Terry as Tesco chief executive in March 2011. The US
business is the third underperforming international
operation that Mr Clarke has decided to exit. Tesco has also
agreed to sell a majority stake in its Chinese business,
while it had to pay ƂĀ£40m to quit Japan.

Komentar Nr. #166
Od : Waylon (clydeirc@usa.net)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
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Datum : 23.04.2022.
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and Digital segments, I'd like to provide some additional
color on a few nonrecurring special items which impacted the
quarter to help provide additional clarity on the true
operating trends we're seeing.

Komentar Nr. #168
Od : Junior (ramon1h@lycos.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
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publishing niche is often associated with the sexualized
gore and graphic violence many religious leaders (and
others) warn against.ƂĀ 

Komentar Nr. #169
Od : Oscar (shermann59@lycos.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
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said the new accountability system will hold schools more
accountable for the progress of certain student subgroups,
such as minority students or those with disabilities. Under
NCLB, schools are held accountable for the progress of these
groups only when there are at least 100 students in that
group at a given school. But under the districts' new
system, that number is lowered to 20.

Komentar Nr. #170
Od : Wayne (erichtly@gmail.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
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range of 380 miles. The addition of the gasoline motor was
in part to ease consumers' anxiety over traditional range
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Arthur Hartinger, a lawyer for the city of San Jose, said
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Datum : 23.04.2022.
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Od : Sammie (genaroi12@yahoo.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
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Od : Gregorio (ferminlhp@yahoo.com)
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$1,296 million) and net income to shareholders of $117
million (HY 2012: $147 million). At 30 June 2013, Markel
Corporation had shareholders' equity of $6,321 million (31
December 2012: $3,889 million).

Komentar Nr. #175
Od : Ignacio (carlton9n@gmail.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
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concentrate. My players' expressions on their faces
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will see what happens on Sunday."

Komentar Nr. #176
Od : Harry (forrestnpl@aol.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
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showed a steep drop in brain activity related to deep sleep.
The volunteers, 33 of them divided into two age groups, took
five minutes longer to fall asleep and their sleep duration
was reduced by 20 minutes, according to the research. Their
bodies also produced less melatonin, a hormone known to
regulate sleep.

Komentar Nr. #177
Od : Virgil (jeffry5b@lycos.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
Could I have an application form?
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air traffic controllers remain on the job and airport
screeners continue to funnel passengers through security
checkpoints. Furloughs of safety inspectors had put
inspections of planes, pilots and aircraft repair stations
on hold, but the Federal Aviation Administration says it
asked 800 employees ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā” including some safety inspectors
ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā” to return to work last week. More than 2,900
inspectors had been furloughed. The State Department
continues processing foreign applications for visas and U.S.
applications for passports, since fees are collected to
finance those services. Embassies and consulates overseas
remain open and are providing services for U.S. citizens

Komentar Nr. #178
Od : Neville (darrellr95@aol.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
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voted to override the Democrat governor's veto of a
concealed carry bill, which Quinn had been attempting to
rewrite with more stringent restrictions in the wake of an
uptick in gun violence in the city of Chicago.ƂĀ 

Komentar Nr. #179
Od : Jewel (dallask93@aol.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
The United States
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workers in September,less than expected. And while the
employment gain in August wasrevised up, the July figure was
revised down to be the weakestsince June 2012.

Komentar Nr. #180
Od : Dorian (isaiaslzt@usa.net)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
Can you put it on the scales, please?
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not involved in the D.C. exchange. A spokesman forInfosys
was not able to comment on its D.C. work.

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Datum : 23.04.2022.
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Eccles, a student at the University of Utah, was said to be
improving in a hospital Saturday. "He is evolving favorably
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hospital spokeswoman Marta Borruel said.

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Od : Roberto (johnathanu16@usa.net)
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pop ballad that everyone can relate to; everyone has felt
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can take their minds off the obvious and go into their
imagination and see what the video really means, it is so

Komentar Nr. #183
Od : Orlando (calebv61@aol.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
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Od : Angelina (sebastian4q@usa.net)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
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higher priority docking of aRussian Soyuz capsule ferrying
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of 15 nations.

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Datum : 23.04.2022.
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Datum : 23.04.2022.
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LeagueƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā™s Most Valuable Player in 2011,was among a group
of All-Stars being investigated for links toBiogenesis of
America LLC, a Miami-area anti-aging clinic thatMLB said
supplied performance-enhancing substances to players.

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Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) said on

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According to the Guttmacher Institute, which works on
reproductive health issues including abortion-rights, states
this year have enacted at least 43 new laws that restrict or
further regulate abortion. That comes after more than 120
new laws, several held up by federal courts, the previous
two years.

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Od : Clemente (dustyp62@aol.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
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in a war zone. Returning fire should feel natural after the
brutal training regime she was put through.

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were both discharged from the hospital today.ƂĀ  Desamour
spoke to Goodmorningamerica.com as she was being driven by
Wiclef home from the hospital, on the very same highway
where Arabella was born.

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in the region very clearly see is that this is not about
choosing one side or the other. It's about choosing
potentially one side amongst several others," he said. "So I
think it's that degree to which the complexity becomes
clearer the closer you get to it."

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Datum : 23.04.2022.
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are not going to prejudge the outcome of negotiationsthat
are just beginning in New York. The U.S. has been clearthat
for any effort to be credible, it must be verifiable
andinclude consequences for noncompliance," she said.

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Asia-Pacific shares outside Japan rose 0.8 percent,
recovering more than half ofWednesday's losses. Stock
markets from Australia to HongKong were up between 0.4
percent to 0.9 percent.

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Datum : 23.04.2022.
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encouraging that the court recognised the significant
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Datum : 23.04.2022.
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financially astute group of individuals and not necessarily
fixated on any one location."

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Od : Audrey (josue9t@yahoo.com)
Datum : 23.04.2022.
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emitted about 530 billion tons of carbon, more than half the
1 trillion ton budget it estimated as a maximum to keep
warming to manageable limits. Annual emissions are now
almost 10 billion tons and rising.

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Datum : 23.04.2022.
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in a run in his first at-bat ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā” the only time he said he
was nervous. ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚ĀœI was pretty nervous before the game, but
thatƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā™s typical,ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā Cole said. ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚ĀœNothing really
unusual. You know, I kind of figured (Lance) Lynn was going
to come after me, so I just tried to stay short and stay up
the middle. I donƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā™t know. I donƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā™t really have an
approach up there, so I just see him and try not to break my

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see guys driving to practice in 30 different cars,ā€
Ryan said. ā€œBy the time camp comes to an end, you see
guys coming to practice in only 10 cars. I always view that
as a sign that weā€™re becoming more tight-knit and
closer as a team.ā€

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minor leg injury got infected this summer, his musical
income was so low he qualified for free "charity care" at a
hospital. That brought him one hobbled step closer to his
new calling: health insurance. He's got three applications
in to work for one of the state's navigators. He's been
uninsured for nine years and never goes to the doctor. He
knocks on doors when he can in between gigs, which have
included playing with Arlo Guthrie and Earth, Wind and Fire.

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Od : Moshe (ellis1t@lycos.com)
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Maine, and promised to pursue tougher safety laws and
regulations in the coming legislative session.

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ā€œThe fact these organisms have survived in such a
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Pearce adds. ā€œThis is the early stage and we now need
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players were talking about how much theyƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā™d miss Hudson

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July 11that was limited to agricultural support programs and
left outfood stamps altogether. The two elements are
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Od : Douglass (nicky7h@usa.net)
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was going to be a key contributor toward the back end of the
bullpen. . . . HeƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā™s been a very successful pitcher,
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flatly contradicted expectations that it would start toscale
back the program, which officials had allowed to hardenover
the summer after Bernanke said in June that
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League footballer. Theyā€™re not in that category. These
are public servants at the end of the day.

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respectively - by sea last year, the UNHCR says. Thousands
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care law. The government shutdown, now in its 15th day,
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funding bill unless it included provisions to delay or
defund the 2010 Affordable Care Act.

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fade and Phil HughesƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā™ terrible season have left only CC
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seasons. In giving him only a two-year deal, they would not
be tying up much money which would allow them to stay
flexible next summer when several top-tier free agents
ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā” possibly LeBron James ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā” will be on the market.

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your history with money. When did you have debt? When did
you learn an especially memorable financial lesson? Writing
everything down can help you to ā€œconnect the
dotsā€ to see where your money attitudes and behaviors
come from, Northrup says, and that can lead to a shift
toward a different approach.

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have the freedom to decide what their next tariff should

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health. She was trembling before the trial and moaned when
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Blasio and a six-to-one registration advantage for
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campaign but several PACs have either started helping his
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investigating foodborne illnesses and communicating with
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exist,ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā reads the document, with more than a hint of
exasperation. ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚ĀœChildren are dying because services are
provided piecemeal and those most at risk are not being

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Ramparts magazine broke stories on MichiganState University
fronting for the CIA (1966), the use of napalmin Vietnam
(1966), and the CIA funding of the National
StudentAssociation (1967). Later revelations in the early to
mid-1970sby the New York Times and the Washington Post (and
others) aboutthe Pentagon Papers, Watergate, and
intelligence agency abuseswere, at their root, as partisan
as any of the NSAinvestigations Glenn Greenwald has

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Democrats, won only 4.8 percent of the vote. They fell short
of the 5 percent needed to win seats in Parliament for the
first time in Germany's post-World War II history, paying
the price for frequent governing infighting and their
failure to secure tax cuts they pledged before going into
government four years ago.

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and groups representingthe biggest U.S. multinationals
asking it to reconsider proposedmeasures on transparency and
on tackling tax avoidance, sayingthe plans could hit trade
and investment.

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unveiled the first part of its fifth assessment (AR5), which
says scientists are more convinced than ever that climate
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and every regional issue. That just ainƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā™t gonna happen
ā€” and expecting it only makes foreign governments want
to twist our tail harder.

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Officer Pierre Blouin said in a phone interview.

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The AARP says the cityƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā™s residentsƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā™ ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Āœfavorite
freebieƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā is the 75-foot observation deck at Presque
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Caymans-based NML (an offshore bank where billions of tax
evasion and drug dollars go) already netted $1.3 billion
from TARP. And now he wants another $1.4 billion ā€“ on
a 48 million-dollar gamble? He could have accepted
Argentinaā€™s offer, which would give him a 400% return
ā€“ but he wonā€™t collect anything now.

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club rugby. Sure, I ran, but only in short spurts and with
the motivation of a 200-pound, mud-slicked woman named Poppy
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ƃĀ‚Ć‚Ā£1.02 billion, disappointing in the light of the forward
order book which at the end of the first quarter had risen
6% from the year-end position, but there is optimism that
the company's pipeline of contracts is improving, although
it does not expect market conditions to rebound in the
second half.

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American ship that protects merchant vessels from piracy has
become more desperate, with a report that the chief engineer
tried to kill himself after Indian authorities raided the
ship and threw everyone aboard in jail on dubious charges.

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what we want,ā€ said composer Viktor Stoyanov, 35. Many
protesters also fret about what they see as increasing
Russian economic influence in Bulgaria, especially in the
energy sector, and have welcomed expressions of EU moral
support in their standoff with the Oresharski government.
ā€œThere is a geopolitical game going on here. If the EU
does not back us, they will effectively lose Bulgaria.
Russian influence will grow even more,ā€ said Stoyanov.

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fellow defenseman Jonathan Ericsson said. ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚ĀœWe found out
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Shinichi Nakayama, deputy director of theNuclear Safety
Research Center at the Japan Atomic Energy Agencyand a
member of a regulatory panel on Fukushima's problems.

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opportunity to criticize the FederalReserve for allowing
banks to expand their commodity activities,and once again
questioned the wisdom of scrapping theGlass-Steagall law
that separated corporate and investmentbanking, a decision
that helped open the door to commoditydealing.

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a whole generation of women presenters ā€“ Jane Garvey,
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in their stride politics, arts, sports, schools, hospitals
and the ramblings of phoners-in? Radio 5 Live and, of
course, BBC local radio which first found many of them. This
list is incomplete and added to daily, whenever talent is

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expected to end the year with the second fastest annualised
growth rate of the G7 group of leading nations. At 2.3pc,
the pace of expansion in the three months to December will
be better than the USā€™s 1.9pc and only slower than
Japanā€™s quantitative easing-fuelled 3.5pc growth.

Komentar Nr. #273
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high-profile politicians and military leaders: state
legislator Osbaldo Esquivel Lucatero was hacked to death on
the side of a road last week as he gave an interview to a
journalist in the lawless territory; Navy Vice Adm. Carlos
Miguel Salazar, one of the country's highest-ranking naval
officers, was shot to death in a recent ambush that also
killed his bodyguard.ƂĀ 

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Datum : 24.04.2022.
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a history or experience ofopenness, the process therefore
should be open. The justicesrejected the argument that they
should consider the history ofprivacy in arbitration.

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region's leveraged finance industry is evolvingfrom its
conservative past, with local banks fiercely competingto
provide loans even if it means loosening credit standards.

Komentar Nr. #276
Od : Gerard (emorykcj@yahoo.com)
Datum : 24.04.2022.
magic story very thanks
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blocking thousands of pagesdeemed undesirable. But they are
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Komentar Nr. #277
Od : Reinaldo (truman1a@usa.net)
Datum : 24.04.2022.
US dollars
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handful of carriers who wanted to sell in Colorado
voluntarily withdrew their bids when the plans didnƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā™t
meet requirements or had errors in them, like trying to
charge more for preexisting conditions, which is now illegal
under the Affordable Care Act, said Vincent Plymell,
spokesman for the Colorado Division of Insurance.

Komentar Nr. #278
Od : Raphael (errol3v@usa.net)
Datum : 24.04.2022.
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rate of housing startswas 192,853 units in July, a decline
from June and in line withmarket expectations. The June
figure was revised down to 193,797from 199,586 originally
reported. Analysts polled by Reuters hadexpected 193,500
starts in July.

Komentar Nr. #279
Od : Terence (lanny3g@aol.com)
Datum : 24.04.2022.
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Datum : 24.04.2022.
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Od : Samantha (louislxx@aol.com)
Datum : 24.04.2022.
Through friends
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captured John Dawson Dewhirst, the only Briton to be killed
by the Khmer Rouge. After the yacht he was on drifted
mistakenly into Cambodian waters in 1978, Mr Dewhirst was
sent to S-21, tortured into confessing that he was a CIA
agent and then beaten to death.

Komentar Nr. #282
Od : Jacinto (chase1p@usa.net)
Datum : 24.04.2022.
Hello good day
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sale comes after the world's largest food group said last
week that divesting low-performing businesses was a top
strategic priority. CEO Paul Bulcke said that some
businesses had been a drag for too long.

Komentar Nr. #283
Od : Kimberly (jeromygth@lycos.com)
Datum : 24.04.2022.
I'm on business
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tendency to use upsetting or embarrassing information
against you. Recognizing a friend from a frenemy can be
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Komentar Nr. #284
Od : Albert (wilburnr74@aol.com)
Datum : 24.04.2022.
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage
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the attack showed hundreds of people in suburbs of the
Syrian capital Damascus struck by a mysterious, lethal
affliction. Men, women and children struggled for breath,
foaming at the mouth and twitching. Other scenes showed
scores of corpses with no obvious wounds.

Komentar Nr. #285
Od : Issac (vince2q@yahoo.com)
Datum : 24.04.2022.
How much were you paid in your last job?
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Komentar Nr. #286
Od : Robin (bennett0a@gmail.com)
Datum : 24.04.2022.
I wanted to live abroad
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third-quarter profit, but itsmortgage banking income fell
sharply as the refinancing boombegan to fade. Wells Fargo
shares also ended flat at $41.43.

Komentar Nr. #287
Od : Jorge (tobias9b@usa.net)
Datum : 24.04.2022.
I'd like to transfer some money to this account
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Komentar Nr. #288
Od : Emma (alejandrovzu@lycos.com)
Datum : 24.04.2022.
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Komentar Nr. #289
Od : Adrian (matthewepm@aol.com)
Datum : 24.04.2022.
This site is crazy :)
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industry's toughestnegotiators, represented a "once in a
lifetime opportunity to godark and fight (retransmission)
fees," BTIG analyst RichGreenfield said. "Time Warner had to
do it," he said.

Komentar Nr. #290
Od : Elvis (dantem64@gmail.com)
Datum : 24.04.2022.
I'd like to transfer some money to this account
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that the company hoped would claw back market share from the
iPhone thudded badly at launch in January, and it has lost
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Komentar Nr. #291
Od : Elvis (bruno7b@lycos.com)
Datum : 24.04.2022.
Is it convenient to talk at the moment?
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that asks if you've been convicted of a crime ā€“ can
confine rehabilitated people into another box they'll never
be able to escape. This country brags about being the place
of opportunity, of new beginnings and fresh starts. Why
aren't some ex-cons given the same chance?

Komentar Nr. #292
Od : Marshall (gaylek54@lycos.com)
Datum : 24.04.2022.
Could I borrow your phone, please?
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containing inconsistencies, but Bo did not dispute his
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Od : Charlotte (winfordo29@aol.com)
Datum : 24.04.2022.
Why did you come to ?
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looking into electronic communications from what the US sees
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Komentar Nr. #294
Od : Tracey (kirbywbf@lycos.com)
Datum : 24.04.2022.
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Komentar Nr. #295
Od : Eugenio (deshawn1s@aol.com)
Datum : 24.04.2022.
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insurers complained of problemsdisplaying basic information
about the plans they will sell onfederally-run exchanges in
36 states. Among states that will runtheir own exchanges,
Colorado, Oregon and the District ofColumbia pared back
their launches to address technicalproblems.

Komentar Nr. #296
Od : Rashad (jefferey8z@lycos.com)
Datum : 24.04.2022.
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Komentar Nr. #297
Od : Earnest (delmerl35@lycos.com)
Datum : 24.04.2022.
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Komentar Nr. #298
Od : Madeline (vernon6f@gmail.com)
Datum : 24.04.2022.
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Komentar Nr. #299
Od : Charlie (nestor3d@usa.net)
Datum : 24.04.2022.
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wondering if the State Department was aware or if the
military was aware or if the CIA was aware. And if we
arenā€™t going to talk about that, we arenā€™t going
to talk about that, but thatā€™s a question Iā€™d
like to know.ā€

Komentar Nr. #300
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Datum : 24.04.2022.
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couple of weeks" away fromdeciding whether to split up
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Komentar Nr. #301
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Komentar Nr. #302
Od : Riley (forestlio@lycos.com)
Datum : 24.04.2022.
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automatic extensions in the spring have tax returns due on
Tuesday. Those returns, the agency says, are still due,
regardless of the shutdown.

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Od : Ezekiel (rudolf2z@yahoo.com)
Datum : 24.04.2022.
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NBC have canceled their Hillary Clinton infomercials, we
will work on developing a new debate model that will address
the timing, frequency, moderators and venues that will come
in the next few months," Kukowski said.

Komentar Nr. #304
Od : Jasper (ernestongl@lycos.com)
Datum : 24.04.2022.
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by the blasts, which began at about 10:30 p.m. local time at
the Blue Rhino propane gas filling station in the town of
Tavares, about 40 miles northwest of Orlando, said John
Herrell, a Lake County sheriff's spokesman.

Komentar Nr. #305
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on satellites and the organizations responsible for
forecasting space weather conditions. Ordinarily, the space
weather community provides a forecasting facility and alerts
the technicians on potential space weather hazards.
Unfortunately, according to Lohmeyer, the implications of
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Komentar Nr. #308
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has Ā“stressedĀ” about 700 ash trees that already
were weak by stripping away some of their bark. ThatĀ’s
to track the beetlesĀ’ progress, but thereĀ’s also
some chance that such weakened trees might draw the beetles
away from other, healthy trees, Lapointe said.

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unions in 16 countries from Europe,four from Asia and three
each from Africa and Latin America saidmembers complained
their personal lives were also underconsiderable strain as
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Od : Gavin (damian2b@lycos.com)
Datum : 24.04.2022.
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- to allow passenger growth at Norwegian Air that he
forecast at 20 percent a year, up from about 20 million
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potential orders or timing.

Komentar Nr. #316
Od : Morris (justinn80@aol.com)
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Komentar Nr. #317
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rule of law, open markets, an open society...). Now it's
governed by an ugly, autocratic regime, it will alwasys be
shackled and in 2nd place in such contests.

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Od : Cooper (desmond6s@gmail.com)
Datum : 24.04.2022.
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Komentar Nr. #320
Od : Mike (domingo7w@lycos.com)
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ā€” and really, the better part of the last year ā€”
the Mets captain and third baseman had been the unofficial
host of baseball's biggest party. He did everything that was
asked and needed: Interviews, home run derbies, meeting with
VIPs and being the face of the 84th All-Star Game. But
finally, at 12:06 a.m., Wright finally could exhale and let
his life return to normal.

Komentar Nr. #321
Od : Danny (darrellr95@aol.com)
Datum : 24.04.2022.
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Od : Jacques (andres9d@lycos.com)
Datum : 24.04.2022.
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hospitals have paid ƂĀ£234ā€‰million in negligence
settlements in the past three years. Many of the cases will
date back far longer, as the legal battles often take
several years. Tameside and East Lancashire Hospitals NHS
Trust have paid out ƂĀ£30ā€‰million each to victims of
poor care since 2009.

Komentar Nr. #323
Od : Lewis (dexterwpe@aol.com)
Datum : 24.04.2022.
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Komentar Nr. #324
Od : Bailey (marvin1b@yahoo.com)
Datum : 24.04.2022.
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out in the ninth ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā“- his first career walk-off hit --
scored pinch-runner Ichiro Suzuki, who had two hits in the
opener to move to 3,999 in his career between Japan and MLB,
from third.

Komentar Nr. #325
Od : Cyril (frankgfs@gmail.com)
Datum : 24.04.2022.
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Office has used powers to redact one of the chief
inspector's regular reports, which can be used in the
interests of national security or to protect an individual.

Komentar Nr. #326
Od : Kaitlyn (william0u@gmail.com)
Datum : 24.04.2022.
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Credit has gone through the same process that the Australian
cricket team has, I think itā€™s come back out into
being competitive and probably will deliver.ā€

Komentar Nr. #327
Od : Nilson (brittpna@yahoo.com)
Datum : 24.04.2022.
Where did you go to university?
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fact that not every state where same-sex unions are
recognized calls the unions marriage. You might have a civil
union or a recognized domestic partnership, but if that is
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not a spousal IRA is an option.

Komentar Nr. #328
Od : Keith (thebest@hotmail.com)
Datum : 24.04.2022.
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are getting funding from a community of investors who are
close to you, the repayment rate is much higher,ā€
explained Mr Stevens. To date, Prodigy Finance has lent $46m
(ƂĀ£29m) to over 1,000 students from 84 different countries
and the repayment rate stands at an impressive 99.6pc.
ā€œ82pc of the students we funded didnā€™t have
access to traditional finance,ā€ added Mr Stevens.

Komentar Nr. #329
Od : Zachery (dexterwpe@aol.com)
Datum : 24.04.2022.
I like watching football
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an olive branch, removing a flooron the rates banks can
charge clients for loans, which shouldreduce the cost of
borrowing for companies and households. Yetthis received
scant attention at the G20 talks.

Komentar Nr. #330
Od : Lawrence (nickolas6m@lycos.com)
Datum : 24.04.2022.
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medrol 4  Halliburton, consulting with BP for BP's Macondo
well, recommended that the company use 21 centralizers
ā€“ the metal rings surrounding the pipeline casing for
stabilization. BP used just six. Following the April 20,
2010, explosion, Halliburton ran simulations to determine
whether the number used was a factor, but discovered it was
not ā€“ meaning Halliburton could not shift liability
for the accident completely onto Deepwater Horizon.

Komentar Nr. #331
Od : Grant (darnell0z@aol.com)
Datum : 24.04.2022.
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Partecipazioni completelydisregards the possible effects of
a listing - whether it takesplace sooner or later."  ($1 =
0.7538 euros) (Reporting by Isla Binnie; Editing by Anthony

Komentar Nr. #332
Od : Walton (luciusxto@usa.net)
Datum : 24.04.2022.
Will I get paid for overtime?
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threatened in advance to veto the bill if it should pass the
Senate as well. Among Democrats, only Reps. Mike McIntyre of
North Carolina and Jim Matheson of Utah supported the
measure. Virginia Rep. Scott Rigell was the only Republican
voting against it.

Komentar Nr. #333
Od : Carlos (gilberto9e@aol.com)
Datum : 24.04.2022.
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telugu  People who migrate are risk-takers and confident
adapters to new circumstances. They are free of old
expectations and eager to believe that they can decide their
own fate. So no, guilt-ridden old Europe, with its ancient
hatreds and grievances, is not precisely like America. But,
partly due to migration and the spectacular emergence of the
New Europe in the East, old assumptions and limitations are
dying here too, faster than most politicians realise.
Itā€™s an open question whether those who want so
desperately to be modern even understand what that now
means, or whether they will be able to scramble quickly
enough to keep up.

Komentar Nr. #334
Od : Dewey (wallacec21@usa.net)
Datum : 24.04.2022.
Where do you come from?
montelukast sandoz granulat opinie  Recent heavy rains have
contributed to the rise in West Nile Virus cases this month,
according to the New Mexico Department of Health. The number
of WNV cases doubled since significant rains began falling
in late September. Ten new cases have been reported in
October, bringing the year's total WNV cases to 20. Two
victims of WNV have died in New Mexico so far this year.

Komentar Nr. #335
Od : Reyes (jarrettc31@gmail.com)
Datum : 24.04.2022.
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North America haspushed Australia out of the top spot for
new Asian investment ingas development, with most of the
supply from existingAustralian projects sold off and buyers
hunting for cheaperfuel, industry executives said this week.

Komentar Nr. #336
Od : Jeremy (conradzry@aol.com)
Datum : 28.04.2022.
Why did you come to ?
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citing sources familiar with the matter, Reuters reported
that officials from six agencies that oversee housing might
ease a proposal requiring lenders to keep a portion of
securitized mortgages on their books. Consumer groups and
lenders alike had pushed such a change.

Komentar Nr. #337
Od : Maynard (fifa55@yahoo.com)
Datum : 28.04.2022.
I've come to collect a parcel
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countries, where al Qaeda-linked groups have a stronger
presence. But hardline militants have grown in influence
since the 2011 Arab uprisings.

Komentar Nr. #338
Od : Jefferey (lamontq10@usa.net)
Datum : 28.04.2022.
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to La Chaux and the Jumbo cable car (3). At Col des
Gentianes, part way up, switch straight on to the Mont Fort
cable car (2) to reach the highest point of the whole ski
area, Mont Fort at 3330m.

Komentar Nr. #339
Od : Jefferey (thanhrxv@lycos.com)
Datum : 28.04.2022.
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last year Lord Sacks issued his only official statement on
the issue, a formal submission to the Governmentā€™s
consultation, from the London Beth Din - the Chief
Rabbiā€™s court - which reiterated traditional orthodox
teaching that homosexuality is against Jewish law.

Komentar Nr. #340
Od : Fredric (renato0d@gmail.com)
Datum : 28.04.2022.
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Komentar Nr. #341
Od : Ruben (donnie0m@lycos.com)
Datum : 29.04.2022.
The United States
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Komentar Nr. #342
Od : Bob (terencelbc@aol.com)
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Komentar Nr. #343
Od : Fifa55 (coltons94@usa.net)
Datum : 29.04.2022.
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Komentar Nr. #344
Od : Korey (tracy3t@lycos.com)
Datum : 29.04.2022.
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Islamist fulcrum in the discussions, the Salafists,
withdrew, thrusting Egypt deeper into a political vacuum.
The army had acted in the first place to try to prevent such
a vacuum. With the rising violence in the Arab worldā€™s
most populous country, the economy continues to

Komentar Nr. #345
Od : Korey (louie0g@lycos.com)
Datum : 29.04.2022.
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Komentar Nr. #346
Od : Cyrus (clement0w@aol.com)
Datum : 29.04.2022.
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ƂĀ ā€I would like to think they exist, it makes for
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Komentar Nr. #347
Od : Eliseo (faustinos88@yahoo.com)
Datum : 29.04.2022.
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Herbert Parkinson, which makes home textile products
including curtains and pillows. Stuart McDonald, Herbert
ParkinsonƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā™s managing director, said: ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚ĀœUK
manufacturing remains a key focus for John Lewis so
itƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā™s apt that we are able to launch this target at a
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Komentar Nr. #348
Od : Denver (kristofer8z@aol.com)
Datum : 29.04.2022.
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Komentar Nr. #349
Od : Brady (claytonvdq@yahoo.com)
Datum : 29.04.2022.
Could I have , please?
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Komentar Nr. #350
Od : Daryl (raymundo5e@lycos.com)
Datum : 29.04.2022.
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Monte dei Paschi's shares gained 1.8 percent to 0.24 euros
by 6.30 a.m. ET, with traders citing news of the talks to
sell the stake and also a report in La Repubblica daily
saying two Middle eastern funds could be interested in
buying an 8 percent stake from the foundation.

Komentar Nr. #351
Od : Melanie (robinr97@usa.net)
Datum : 29.04.2022.
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Komentar Nr. #352
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market conditions the bank could accelerate its previously
announced cost-cutting targets. In February, the largest
U.S. bank had said it planned to cut 17,000 jobs by the end
of 2014, or roughly 6.6 percent of its workforce. The job
cuts were largely targeted at areas such as mortgage banking
and retail banking.

Komentar Nr. #353
Od : Clyde (derickv28@yahoo.com)
Datum : 29.04.2022.
Where did you go to university?
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Samalas eruption was one of the biggest of the last 12,000
years. It belched more ash and rock than any other volcano
since roughly 1600 B.C., and it spewed hot ash even faster
than Tambora, says Lavigne's colleague Jean-Christophe
Komorowski of France's Institut de Physique du Globe.

Komentar Nr. #354
Od : Arnold (truman1a@usa.net)
Datum : 29.04.2022.
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comment about the claims of racism in the song, Wilson told
ā€œNightlineā€ Wednesday night, ā€œI just
really love Chinese food and that is why I wrote a song
about it.ā€

Komentar Nr. #355
Od : Madison (jonastxn@gmail.com)
Datum : 29.04.2022.
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countries are increasing local taxes and introducing new
charges for services previously free to residents, including
holiday home owners. Some of these new costs are small and
highly local, involving refuse collection, for instance. But
at a higher level changes are also being made to property
purchase taxes, for instance, which some countries are
altering in order to raise revenues or encourage certain
types of investment.

Komentar Nr. #356
Od : Marty (chase1p@usa.net)
Datum : 29.04.2022.
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Komentar Nr. #357
Od : Laurence (lance1t@yahoo.com)
Datum : 29.04.2022.
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were described as a white male wearing a khaki,
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and wearing an olive, collared military-style uniform.

Komentar Nr. #358
Od : Antione (byronysn@gmail.com)
Datum : 29.04.2022.
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current mayor of Redlands, California, is represented by
"House Aguilar," which "prepares for the battle by
stockpiling resources from his insider allies, the DCCC in
faraway Washington, D.C." Eloise Gomez Reyes, meanwhile, is
derided for having "the special interests on her side," such
as EMILY's List, a political action committee that supports
pro-choice Democratic female candidates.

Komentar Nr. #359
Od : Anna (feltonf69@lycos.com)
Datum : 29.04.2022.
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does a very good job. Heā€™s alive to the human story
ā€“ the 88 members of the Hays family who were killed
that day, for example ā€“ yet also confident discussing
military strategy. He highlights the shameful part played by
the English Border Reivers, who not only spirited away the
food and drink bound for their soldiers, but then raided the
English camp at Barmoor, killed the sentries and stole
everything including the horses.

Komentar Nr. #360
Od : Razer22 (waylone32@aol.com)
Datum : 29.04.2022.
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author and clinical lead for the National End of Life Care
Intelligence Network, Professor Julia Verne, said it was
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Komentar Nr. #361
Od : Rocco (norbert8q@gmail.com)
Datum : 29.04.2022.
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Komentar Nr. #362
Od : Stephanie (claud5o@yahoo.com)
Datum : 29.04.2022.
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deal pushed shares of LLX up 17 percent onWednesday, and the
stock led gains in Brazil's benchmark Bovespastock index.
The stock is down 46 percent so far this year -
thebest-performing asset among Batista's six listed
companies inBrazil.

Komentar Nr. #363
Od : Zackary (rudolph1o@usa.net)
Datum : 29.04.2022.
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a holiday to a country where yellow fever is present and
vaccination is required, perhaps consider a different
destination where your health would not be at such risk and
the same advice applies for business travel at this time
until supplies are restored.ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā™

Komentar Nr. #364
Od : Anna (andres9d@lycos.com)
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bring peace to Syria and stabilize the region. But allowing
the war to continue along its current trajectory means more
deaths, a broader humanitarian disaster which has already
displaced and destroyed the homes and livelihoods of nearly
a third of the people in the country, and a high risk of
more atrocities by all sides. What is needed is a political
settlement balancing the rights of all of the ethnic and
religious traditions in Syria ā€“ Sunni, Shia, Kurd,
Orthodox Christian, and Alawite ā€“ which may involve
partition of the country. Achieving such a political
settlement would be exceptionally difficult, but is
certainly not achievable unless the U.S. intervenes to
change the political calculations of the contestants.

Komentar Nr. #365
Od : Nogood87 (friend35@hotmail.com)
Datum : 29.04.2022.
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continues to push ahead with its nuclear weapons and
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Od : Carson (norris1f@lycos.com)
Datum : 29.04.2022.
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Komentar Nr. #367
Od : Lloyd (fredericisl@lycos.com)
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Od : Alexis (donnie0m@lycos.com)
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Komentar Nr. #369
Od : Andrew (malikt17@aol.com)
Datum : 29.04.2022.
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Od : Goodsam (timothy1b@usa.net)
Datum : 29.04.2022.
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Komentar Nr. #371
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Komentar Nr. #372
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Fifty-six percent of all women report having had a
mammogram, rising sharply to 73 percent of those age 40 and
up, and 81 percent of those age 40 and older whoā€™ve
had a relative diagnosed with the disease. (Of all women age
40 and up, 64 percent in this survey say theyā€™ve had a
mammogram specifically in the past two years, similar to the
66.5 percent estimate from the U.S. Centers for Disease
Controlā€™s 2010 National Health Interview Survey.)ƂĀ 

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at the Pentagon on Tuesday. "We're not waiting until the
very end, we're going to do this over a period of time."

Komentar Nr. #374
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the Heritage Foundation, a Washingtonthink tank, said GDP
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for men and body image has lagged way behind,ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā Cuban

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otherwise relatively peaceful home city. President Asif Ali
Zardari's security chief was killed in a suicide bomb in
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most notably for her unabashed slamming of the Catholic
church, but O'Connor has largely advocated from a women's
rights platform.

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Komentar Nr. #385
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ground in several provinces, including Quang Nam and Danang
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highway into Yarnell well before the evacuation order was
lifted at 9 a.m. Monday. Authorities checked everyone's
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couple days to sift through the ashes of their homes before
the area opens to the public Wednesday.

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Conservative whip after he was charged and now sits as an
independent MP, is charged with two indecent assaults, five
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of medicine and pediatrics at Thomas Jefferson University in
Philadelphia, told FoxNews.com. ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚ĀœThough it may be only
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got banged up a little bit in Baltimore, obviously not so
good. Especially when I was playing in the field, I thought
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to Michigan and whoever wins the disaster that is the West?
Sorry, but I have more faith in Ohio State making the BCS
Championship because of their schedule over those
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Komentar Nr. #402
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and employed 1.5m people, but warned that would be put at
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Datum : 29.04.2022.
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after a Fed official hinted taperingmay yet be unveiled at
the bank's October meeting.

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Od : Bryce (tysonlci@aol.com)
Datum : 29.04.2022.
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statewide losing streak. They believe Republicans have
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suburban women, a constituency that helped President Barack
Obama win re-election.

Komentar Nr. #405
Od : Kaden (calvind34@lycos.com)
Datum : 29.04.2022.
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Datum : 29.04.2022.
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Datum : 29.04.2022.
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solution are speedy elections, first for the People's
Assembly and then the presidency. But first, the violence
needs to stop and the Egyptian army needs to recognize that
it is part of the nation, not in charge of it, he said.

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Datum : 29.04.2022.
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Od : Wilbert (maximo1l@lycos.com)
Datum : 29.04.2022.
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people to create positive change to address the world's most
pressing problems. She said: "I feel utterly frustrated with
this Neets situation because it is a ridiculous in a strong
economy like the UK. I have just been so frustrated that any
of us have allowed this to happen. Businesses are making a
dent in the Neets story but we could do much more. And we
could do with more encouragement from government."

Komentar Nr. #411
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Datum : 29.04.2022.
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expressed interest in playing in Las Vegas. Shumpert emerged
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the playoffs, especially on the defensive end. He
wasnƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā™t as sharp offensively and has talked about
potentially moving back to his natural position, point
guard. Shumpert played small forward most of the season with
Carmelo Anthony at power forward.

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Od : Andrea (ricky3d@lycos.com)
Datum : 29.04.2022.
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give up, even when things are really, really dark. Making
this film, I stayed five years making this film so Iā€™m
glad itā€™s out now,ā€ Al-Mansour says.

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also meet this week. The ECB andthe BOE are expected to
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costs will remain extraordinarily lowas long as growth is
sub-par and inflation poses no threat.

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Datum : 29.04.2022.
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didnā€™t see the incident first-hand but believes the
report to be true, adding that the liquid on the 28-year-old
Cavendish smelled like urine and it was ā€œall over

Komentar Nr. #420
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this place. But you canā€™t be too attached to anything,
either. To work here you either have to have a bullet-proof
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when White quits cooking in the final series, so the
sanctity of his motives become murkier. Not even the
showā€™s creators seem sure whether Walt is driven by a
need to provide for others, or to feed his own expanding
ego. It took executive producer Vince Gilligan a while to
understand what was really behind Waltā€™s unending
descent, as he outlined in a recent New Yorker article:
ā€œThe writers realised, from [Cranstonā€™s] acting,
that Walt isnā€™t cooking [meth] for his family,
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Obama an opportunity to back down (from military strikes),
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Turki, a member of the Saudi royal family and former
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hazard not directly stemming from an onboard malfunction.
The CAA emphasized that its statement came after its experts
ā€œhave been in close touchā€ with investigators.

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analysts have also said that LinkedIn floated in better
market conditions than most other tech-IPOs.

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control as Abe says.

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positive to have (home runs), but at the same time you
canƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā™t rely on (them),ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā Granderson said.
ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚ĀœToday we got two (runs). Recently weƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā™ve only
scored a few. We have to find a way to somehow maximize when
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years for President BarackObama's healthcare law, aides

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to the Government last year ā€œreinforces the RMT case
that renationalisation of the entire rail network would save
over a billion pounds a year, which could be reinvested in
services and capacityā€ (report, October 9).

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sourcesfamiliar with the matter told Reuters last month.

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Datum : 29.04.2022.
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sucking mode again! LMAO Texas takes care of it's own.
Bwaaaaaaahaaaaaaaa Now that's funny!

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Joe Christopher, a veteran grainmerchandiser for Crossroads
Co-op in Sidney, Nebraska. "But Ithink it's a little early
to reset the corn basis - corn demandis spread differently
than beans."

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Snowden, who alleged that major service providers including
Google Inc, Facebook Inc and Microsoft Corp systematically
pass along huge troves of user data to the National Security

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overseas visit of his four-month papacy and the first time
since his election in a secret conclave that he has returned
to South America, the continent of his birth. Despite a row
over the costs of the trip, his visit has generated huge
excitement in Brazil, which has the worldā€™s largest
Catholic population.

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Datum : 29.04.2022.
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$10.1 million, according to Twitter's IPO documents
registered with securities regulators. He drew a salary of
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Datum : 29.04.2022.
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father, Brett Anderson, gave his DNA to investigators to
confirm Ethan's identity. DiMaggio named Hannah's
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eligible to receive $112,000.

Komentar Nr. #446
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Datum : 29.04.2022.
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supposed to make winning easier, making these Giants
hungrier. But too many times so far, they havenƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā™t shown
that hunger. Against Kansas City, they couldnƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā™t even
catch fire after three Chiefs turnovers and CruzƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā™s
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weeks since the United Nations said the Syrian government
had agreed to let the U.N. team of experts travel to three
sites where chemical weapons are reported to have been used.
One, Khan al-Assal in Aleppo, is where the Syrian government
says rebels used chemical weapons in March.

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out if theyƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā™ve learned anything in the last six years,
now that theyƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā™re about to be bidding against themselves
again. They thought A-Rod was going to turn out to be some
kind of iconic Yankee, too.

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Datum : 29.04.2022.
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genetically determined, he says, but with humans "that
certainly isn't the case". He argues that culture sets
us apart from animals in that respect, and points to the
huge variance in social norms in different countries, and
over short periods of time.

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sample overestimated effects not because of a simple
reluctance of researchers to publish nonsignificant
findings, but because of how studies were conceived and
carried out,ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā Fanelli says.

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Datum : 29.04.2022.
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don't let all this apparent momentum fool you. This is
one of the thorniest issues in politics, and there are
plenty in the industry who think that 20 years from now,
nothing will have actually been done.

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Kendrick, a manager at the Reptile Store in Hamilton,
Ontario, said it sounds like the python was not enclosed
properly and might have been spooked. He called the
strangling deaths "very unusual" but said African rock
pythons tend to be a little more high-strung.

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at the venueƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā¦ was kept aside for over six years
considering the father of the nation's principles of
non-violence," the paper said, adding that the decision was
made after recent blasts at an iconic Buddhist shrine in the
eastern state of Bihar.

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NEXT STEP: Hundley was even better than expected in his
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offense, yards passing and completions. With no clear
starting tailback, offensive coordinator Noel Mazzone could
rely on Hundleyā€™s smarts and running ability even
more, but the rapidly maturing signal-caller seems capable
of handling the work. Heā€™s also establishing himself
as a leader: ā€œWeā€™ve got to make sure what people
thought of us last year doesnā€™t go to our
heads,ā€ he said.

Komentar Nr. #456
Od : Rodrick (alton7d@yahoo.com)
Datum : 30.04.2022.
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announce our democratization package aimed at the new
period. It's possible parliament will reopen early," Erdogan
told reporters in comments broadcast by CNN Turk.

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Datum : 30.04.2022.
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these transferswere conducted illegally," Gao said. "You
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Datum : 30.04.2022.
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win back customers it lost, but sales againdeclined in the
quarter that ended in August.

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Datum : 30.04.2022.
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helm in May, Krzanich has pushed to improveIntel's offering
of chips for mobile devices. It recentlyannounced a lineup
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Datum : 30.04.2022.
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European commissioner for financial regulation Michel
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Datum : 30.04.2022.
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leading up to the event, the ex-Bengals star had been billed
as participating in the game, along with a handful of much
lesser known former pros that included former Giant Brandon
Bing, as part of the annual Middletown Day festival. Much to
the surprise of some fans who paid $30 a ticket for a VIP
meet-and-greet session with the players, Johnson was not in

Komentar Nr. #462
Od : Tracy (irwinu65@usa.net)
Datum : 30.04.2022.
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could sharply reduce the demand for coal from mining regions
such as southwestern Virginia ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā“ which largely votes
conservative, along with the stateƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā™s Tidewater-Newport
News area that ƂĀ is home to many military and retired
military residents.

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Hewitt and budgetaccordingly. At the end of the year, if the
expenses were not ashigh as expected, there is still money
in the account. (If theexpenses were higher, they would have
to add money.)

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exist in Afghanistan-Pakistan ā€” Wuhayshi being made
the general manager, that very clearly makes him part of the
core,ā€ Gartenstein-Ross told AFP.

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Datum : 30.04.2022.
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and a bottle of regional wine next door, treat yourself to a
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Vancouver. Lighthouse Park is home to an actual, working
lighthouse, which is closed to the public. But the
wilderness that surrounds it, from jagged cliffs to towering
firs, makes it the perfect spot to throw down a blanket. And
when lunch (and the nap that follows) is over, go for a hike
to beautiful Jackpine Point.

Komentar Nr. #467
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Datum : 30.04.2022.
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5.19 ERA, including a 1-10 mark in 16 starts at the Stadium
to join TorontoƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā™s Phil Huffman (1970) as the only
pitchers in MLB history to win fewer than two games in a
season with at least 15 home starts.

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Datum : 30.04.2022.
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model girlfriend Chrissy Teigen over the 2011 holidays. A
year later, it appears the clock is ticking for Teigen! At
the launch party for Sports Illustrated's 2013 swimsuit
issue in January 2013, Teigen told the News her nine-time
Grammy-winning fiancƃĀ© has until the end of this year to tie
the knot or she's hitting the road. The couple started
dating in 2007.

Komentar Nr. #469
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sign that this is likely to happen and I am writing to the
presiding officer and party leaders with a view to finding
the right outcome to deal with all the relevant issues that
this case raises."

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since the Fed announcement hasalso been on concern the
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Datum : 30.04.2022.
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Komentar Nr. #472
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Datum : 30.04.2022.
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India more than doubled between 1990 and 2008, according to
the National Crime Records Bureau, without releasing the
exact numbers. And many cases go unreported due to the
social stigma attached to rape ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā” particularly in rural
India, says Krishnan.

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release of her new record Bangerz, which hits shelves in the
US on October 8 and the UK on October 7.

Komentar Nr. #474
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Datum : 30.04.2022.
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the fact that SAC Capital's main portfolio was up about 11
percent for the year as of mid-July, compared with a 3.2
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June. The exceptional performance was seen as ensuring top
traders and analysts who remained with SAC Capital would be
on target to get handsome year-end bonuses.

Komentar Nr. #475
Od : Natalie (raymondtrf@lycos.com)
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their future closer in Pedro Strop and a potential starter
in Jake Arrieta in the Feldman trade with the Orioles. They
hope the anticipated returns of third baseman Luis Valbuena
and outfielder Ryan Sweeney from the disabled list Sunday
will help improve a major league worst .219 batting average
with runners in scoring position and continue when the
prospects arrive.

Komentar Nr. #476
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Datum : 30.04.2022.
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involved anything of a sexual nature. Rather, they say, they
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Penn State's heralded football team, and the boy known in
court papers as Victim 2 were engaged in nothing more than
horseplay in a university locker room shower earlier that

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Indian consumers. Robert Horrocks, chief investmentofficer
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focuses on Asia and has several funds with strong
long-termrecords, wants to make the same bet.

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Komentar Nr. #481
Od : Charley (merlesij@lycos.com)
Datum : 30.04.2022.
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been made public, did not pull over. According to her
lawyer, Richard Clifford, the rabbi "just laid on the horn
and started screaming at her" as she obeyed a 20-mph limit
in a school zone. "She was so freaked out with the horn
honking and the screaming that she called police
immediately. ... I believe my client was in danger with this
guy and if she had gotten out of her car it could have

Komentar Nr. #482
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Datum : 30.04.2022.
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Apple, which has its phones made by contract manufacturers
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supply chain told Reuters on Wednesday.

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numbers on a spreadsheet. Hundreds of thousands of people in
Fairfax and Framingham and Bethesda and Brookline decided
that they would make do without their local paper. They
might rush to its website and praise it if it rose to the
occasion of a big story ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā” like the Globe after the
Boston Marathon bombings ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā” but they werenƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā™t going
to read it daily.

Komentar Nr. #485
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Datum : 30.04.2022.
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to rob her of that, is ridiculous. Something needs to be
done about this before somebody elseƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā™s child gets shot
for no reason.ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā

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Cantor said the House wouldvote on Saturday on a measure to
pay federal workers during theshutdown, which has idled
close to a million employees.Democrats demand a broad
spending bill be passed.

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part of a city effort to arrest roadway speeds. The NYPD
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doctors this morning,ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā Smith said Tuesday. ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚ĀœHe is
going to have a second opinion tomorrow. The first reports
were not encouraging, but we will wait and see what the
second opinion comes back as.ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā

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Central Intelligence Agency officer John Kiriakou is
currently serving a 30-month sentence after being convicted
of sharing classified information with a reporter about the
agency's controversial waterboarding interrogation

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Od : Fredrick (erwin6g@gmail.com)
Datum : 30.04.2022.
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"BigBrother." It would not affect CBS affiliate stations
owned byother companies.

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which capitalises on strong consumer trendsas well as
Finland's high reputation for food safety and
productquality, comes as Kesko has cut hundreds of jobs in
Finland andlowered its profit forecasts.

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plan to limit airline carbon dioxide emissions and called
for talks to resolve the issue a day after its major
airlines refused to pay any carbon costs under the new law.

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well as two others at knifepoint. Smith used the same type
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allege it overstated the gas mileage on its hybrids. Last
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Komentar Nr. #500
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bills when it runs out of borrowing capacity. It would then
rely on those funds and incoming revenue to pay the
country's obligations.

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Datum : 30.04.2022.
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husband said of the reward offered by New YorkƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā™s
Hometown Newspaper. ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚ĀœThank you very much, Daily News,
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2011 NL MVP didnƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā™t protest.

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have thought Nintendo would be happy about, but
controversially the company tried to ban a livestream of the

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General Motors rep explained that the Volt never really runs
directly on gas, but instead uses gas to power the electric
motor after the motor has used up all of its own charge. The
result is that when powered by gas, the car becomes more
noisy than any comparable sedan Iā€™ve ever driven. It
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handed a rose to Chris Siegfried, who then proposed
marriage. Now, she can hardly wait for their life together
to begin.

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not so much because "tempers flare" - that's a small
component. ƃĀ‚Ć‚Ā The LARGE component is what wars are always
fought for - land / resources... WHEN the billions of acres
of tundra / permafrost unfreezes across Siberia and Canada,
allowing this land to be good ag (grazing & crop) land, and
"living on" land, you bet your azz China is going to try to
"annex" in one way or another Mongolia and parts of Russia,
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easier to access in those places without the permafrost,
then it will be even worse. ƃĀ‚Ć‚Ā  Then you've also got the
factors of the rainfall / precip winners and losers
consequential to GW - the losers (drier areas) will need
more water for ag irrigation and everything else, and will
seek access to land with water on it, not to mention
domestic unrest by farmers and others in new-drought areas.
ƃĀ‚Ć‚Ā But all of this massive conflict will pale in comparison
to the chaos which is coming when oil, nat gas, and coal get
REALLY scarce in about 75-100 years. ƃĀ‚Ć‚Ā World War II times
10, I think. ƃĀ‚Ć‚Ā Maybe if it happens all about the same
time, we can just get the violence over with. ƃĀ‚Ć‚Ā A couple
billion will die, but after adjusting to the new climate and
energy-low lifestyles, there is actually great potential for
an unprecedented peace era, in my view.

Komentar Nr. #515
Od : Leonel (wilburnr74@aol.com)
Datum : 30.04.2022.
Other amount
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99% to make them aware of the swing back towards an
oligarchy that is occurring today, a transformation which
will take this country into yet another third-world nation
of ā€œhaves and have notsā€.

Komentar Nr. #516
Od : Leigh (weldone46@gmail.com)
Datum : 30.04.2022.
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they are only just recovering. Also, 39pc of the
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Komentar Nr. #517
Od : Jerome (carlox57@usa.net)
Datum : 30.04.2022.
Will I get paid for overtime?
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Friday that he expects to filethe regulatory documents
necessary to take Chrysler public bythe end of the month - a
move that he has long resisted. The IPOcould happen during
the first quarter of 2014, he added.

Komentar Nr. #518
Od : Modesto (courtneyu20@aol.com)
Datum : 30.04.2022.
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Komentar Nr. #519
Od : Shannon (refugio3m@lycos.com)
Datum : 30.04.2022.
I'm in a band
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committee held its baserate steady at 2.50 percent, a media
official saidwithout elaborating. Governor Kim Choong-soo is
due to hold anews conference from 11:20 a.m. (0220 GMT).

Komentar Nr. #520
Od : Francis (dennis4r@lycos.com)
Datum : 30.04.2022.
I like watching TV
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was told by Jumsakorn, a man who like so many Cambodians
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abandoned his mobile drink stall to attend the opposition
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Komentar Nr. #521
Od : Gilberto (faustou33@lycos.com)
Datum : 30.04.2022.
Jonny was here
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instance, will spend $300 a month to buy a mid-level
insurance plan in the new Obamacare marketplace -- 77
percent more than a 40-year-old in Pittsburgh, where the
same type of coverage will cost a more modest $169 a
month.ƂĀ  Lower-income people eligible for federal subsidies
will spend less.

Komentar Nr. #522
Od : Justin (antony4b@yahoo.com)
Datum : 30.04.2022.
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mortgage underwriter atCardinal Mortgage Corp was excluded,
as was a woman takingclasses in options trading who said she
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results fraudulently."

Komentar Nr. #524
Od : Ashton (dantem64@gmail.com)
Datum : 30.04.2022.
What do you like doing in your spare time?
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working for months to block roads leading into western
Aleppo, but food scarcity only became a serious problem this
week. The fighters decided for the first time to block a
highway once left open to civilians, according to an
Aleppo-based activist who asked not to be named. Previously,
they had only attacked Assad's forces there.

Komentar Nr. #525
Od : Danny (linwoodhuf@usa.net)
Datum : 30.04.2022.
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Komentar Nr. #526
Od : Carson (virgilio9r@usa.net)
Datum : 30.04.2022.
I like watching football
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Foundationā€™s biggest stock donation appeal, the Great
British Bagathon with an event at Friars Square shopping
Centre on Saturday.

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Od : Isiah (leland7m@yahoo.com)
Datum : 30.04.2022.
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Development Agency in January, the report states the Mets
ballpark-related revenue is far below what the franchise had
expected when they opened in 2009.

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Od : Francisco (alexisu87@yahoo.com)
Datum : 30.04.2022.
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Od : Cole (lightsoul@gmail.com)
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Komentar Nr. #533
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Very interesting tale
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part of R.A. Golic played defensive tackle in the NFL with
the Patriots, Crowns, and Raiders. With just a few acting
roles, his 'job' at Cal U in this series was pretty solid.
He reprised his role in 'Saved be the Bell: Wedding in Las
Vegas' and also played Dewey Pounder in 'Dreamboat.'

Komentar Nr. #535
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Komentar Nr. #536
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missing was the O'Jays providing background music ("For the
Love of Money") as Manziel strolled down Kyle Field rubbing
his thumb and forefingers together in the traditional
I'm-about-the-moolah gesture after throwing a 23-yard pass
to Mike Evans.

Komentar Nr. #537
Od : Mauro (felix9w@gmail.com)
Datum : 30.04.2022.
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ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā” where the three partial meltdowns occurred ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā”
ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Āœthere were 6 reactors and 7 spent fuel pools.ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā
The latter were filled with radioactive material outside of
the containment vessel. One was so badly damaged that it
emitted significant quantities of radiation.

Komentar Nr. #538
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Datum : 30.04.2022.
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Don West, however, had a hard time understanding Jeantel as
she spoke. That may hurt her credibility, said Susan
Constantine, a jury consultant and body language expert who
was in court during Jeantel's testimony.

Komentar Nr. #539
Od : Janni (robby2b@aol.com)
Datum : 30.04.2022.
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acrimonious back-and-forth in the press that Reid was
extremely frustrated with the way the Senate has been
operating, but also that many long-serving senators were
uncomfortable with going nuclear. Case in point, during a
press breakfast sponsored by the Christian Science Monitor
today, Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., a longtime foe of
filibuster reform, said:

Komentar Nr. #540
Od : Sammie (elroy0v@gmail.com)
Datum : 30.04.2022.
Do you have any exams coming up?
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products were also compared to theƃĀ‚Ć‚Ā nutritional content of
examples of home-made food commonly given by parents to
infants and toddlers in the UK, such as mashed potato
chicken, stewed apple and vegetarian meals.

Komentar Nr. #541
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thinking is that the Fed should keep its exit from its bond
buying programs simple. According to this view, the Fed has
struggled in the past few months to communicate a very
complicated set of ideas about monetary policy to investors
and its next steps should be as easy to explain as possible
to avoid market confusion. So the Fed should reduce its
purchases of Treasurys and mortgage-backed securities
proportionately in the name of simplicity, this thinking

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Tuesday that BP's credit ratings could tolerate a moderate
penalty under the Clean Water Act but warned that "a severe
penalty resulting from a finding of gross negligence could
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of Egypt's Islamist President Mohammed Morsi during a rally
Tuesday near Cairo University Square in Giza. The Arabic
reads,"no alternative to legitimacy" while a Syrian
revolutionary flag flies in the background.

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harm to real people in and out of government.ƂĀ The ripple
effects of this shutdown and a possible refusal to raise the
debt limit will devastate retirees' savings, result in lost
jobs and a slowdown in hiring, hurt the housing market and
cost taxpayers dearly. The last government shutdown in the
90s cost us $1.4 billion -- this could be much more. And
this is fiscally conservative?ƂĀ I don't think so.

Komentar Nr. #548
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Datum : 30.04.2022.
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the A312 is closed southbound between the Bull's Bridge
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the Jolly Waggoner's.

Komentar Nr. #549
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talks with Israel. Many of the inmates were said to have had
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of its allies.

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unique situation, but that still doesn't mean it's an
acceptable situation," said Christopher Waldrop, who directs
the Food Policy Institute at the Consumer Federation of
America. "The longer it takes to provide information, the
more it seems like they're protecting the needs of the
company versus the needs of the public."

Komentar Nr. #551
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had known in advance from upstairs exactly what I was going
to do I wouldƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā™ve challenged first (and not risked a
second timeout),ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā he added. ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚ĀœBut I didnƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā™t.
ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā¦ I was very surprised, as was our sideline and
upstairs, when they did not reverse it.ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā

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Court ruling means it will not at this time review an
October 2012 decision by the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of
Appeals in New York in which the court said the Argentine
government had broken a contractual obligation to treat
bondholders equally.

Komentar Nr. #554
Od : Angelo (ervin4b@yahoo.com)
Datum : 04.05.2022.
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starting careers.

Komentar Nr. #555
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Datum : 04.05.2022.
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said Sunday the family recently learned that he has been
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Komentar Nr. #556
Od : Zachery (elden2z@usa.net)
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pro-Mursi sit-ins would "God willing, soon ... be dealt
with" based on a decision by the prosecutor, who has been
examining legal complaints by citizens about the protests
that have blocked major Cairo thoroughfares.

Komentar Nr. #558
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Datum : 04.05.2022.
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photographs because I donā€™t want others to forget,
either. I want those who look at my images to feel as if
they cannot look away or stop thinking about them. Why?
Because what is happening to the worldā€™s poorest
citizens is an outrage.

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the movie, shooting within 10 and 12 feet of Redford.
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wanted to create a sense of tension and intimacy without
being overly claustrophobic.ā€

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not given a sales target for the i3, although Robertson has
said it aims to be "a significant player" in the market for
electric vehicles which he has pegged at about 150,000 cars
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Bernanke and other Fed officials inrecent weeks have soothed
investors' concerns and erased thosedeclines, with the S&P
500 rallying to a record closing high onMonday. The
benchmark index is less than half a percent off theall-time
intraday high of 1,687.18 it reached on May 22.

Komentar Nr. #562
Od : Giuseppe (derickv28@yahoo.com)
Datum : 04.05.2022.
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Depression to create more affordable home ownership
opportunities. It insures more than $1 trillion in mortgage
loans to primarily low-to-moderate-income families and
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Komentar Nr. #563
Od : Brian (lowell2x@yahoo.com)
Datum : 04.05.2022.
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utility Enel, saidin a statement the funds were expected in
the fourth quarter ofthe year after which a tax equity
agreement for the BuffaloDunes project would be signed.

Komentar Nr. #564
Od : Lightsoul (feltonf69@lycos.com)
Datum : 04.05.2022.
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households led by women, 92 percent have incomes below 400
percent of the federal poverty level, according to the
National Women's Law Center. "Nearly 80 percent of all
single-parent families are headed by women," adds Judy
Waxman, NWLC vice president of health and reproductive
rights. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services, women who earn less than 133 percent of the
federal poverty level will be eligible for Medicaid
coverage, even if they have no children and are not

Komentar Nr. #565
Od : Heriberto (bradfordhgz@yahoo.com)
Datum : 04.05.2022.
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Od : Gregg (roycezki@aol.com)
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Manley ended his life with a self-inflicted gunshot wound
early Thursday morning, but thanks to a website that went
live the same day, his motivations for doing so are sure to
live on for years to come.

Komentar Nr. #567
Od : Jamison (wernerxwk@gmail.com)
Datum : 04.05.2022.
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please
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initial awareness of the case. ā€œI was born in 1927 and
they were arrested in 1931, so from the very time I was able
to read, I remember this constant reference to the
Scottsboro Boys. They were out there in newspapers and the
like all the time, and then you didnā€™t hear about it
so much and then you didnā€™t hear about it at all, so
we started investigating what had actually happened to the
story and became passionate about it. The more we dug into
it, the more awful it was ā€“ and yet fascinating in
terms of the world going on around it.ā€

Komentar Nr. #568
Od : Nilson (aureliop40@yahoo.com)
Datum : 04.05.2022.
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hedge funds last night reacted with fury, describing the
handling of the bail-out as ā€œdisgracefulā€. It
followed Co-op management insisting there would be no call
to discuss the poor financial performance, saying
bondholders would have to wait until the end of October to
receive full details of the rescue plan.

Komentar Nr. #569
Od : Denny (blair9s@usa.net)
Datum : 04.05.2022.
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significant uptick in apprehensions at the South Texas
border, particularly the Rio Grande Valley border crossing,
which reported 97,762 apprehensions in 2012, up from 59,243
in the previous year.

Komentar Nr. #570
Od : Carol (rockycxy@aol.com)
Datum : 04.05.2022.
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ƂĀ£100 but cash flow from operations of ƂĀ£50, avoid it," said
Mr Godber. The discrepancy will probably arise from
accounting practice to do with such things as amortisation
and depreciation.

Komentar Nr. #571
Od : Benedict (donte8p@yahoo.com)
Datum : 04.05.2022.
I've got a very weak signal
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after Chanos' comments,which were delivered at the CNBC
Institutional InvestorDelivering Alpha Conference. Chanos is
known for havinganticipated the 2001 collapse of energy
company Enron.

Komentar Nr. #572
Od : Lonny (tysonlci@aol.com)
Datum : 04.05.2022.
What qualifications have you got?
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days after a powerfulSenate banking committee heard from
experts who said that metalswarehouses owned by Wall Street
and other commodities traderswere distorting markets and
even driving up the cost of aluminumcans for beer and soda.
Some said allowing them to trade inphysical markets was a
risk to the financial system.

Komentar Nr. #573
Od : Alfonzo (hollis6n@yahoo.com)
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deciding not to startscaling back its bond buying, has
created new uncertainty byplaying down the importance of the
unemployment rate inisolation as a guide to its monetary

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Od : Alfred (shawn6x@yahoo.com)
Datum : 04.05.2022.
It's funny goodluck
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money at long-term rates, on lending such as mortgages, but
borrow for shorter terms, so they prefer a rising yield
curve over time. If short term-rates rise and long-term
rates don't, the bank is squeezed.

Komentar Nr. #575
Od : Getjoy (andre0s@lycos.com)
Datum : 04.05.2022.
Not available at the moment
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in the second half and if we see a continuation of the job
gains that we - not (the) 162,000 number that we saw last
month but at a higher range, say 180-200,000 - I think with
other fundamentals improving we probably are in a position
to remove ... the extraordinary policy program over the
medium term - that being the asset purchase program," he

Komentar Nr. #576
Od : Gregorio (lloyd0f@aol.com)
Datum : 04.05.2022.
I'm doing a phd in chemistry
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of 16-17 nanometers circuit linewidth at the new plant to
gain an edge over Samsung ElectronicsCo by making more chips
from a single silicon wafer,the business paper said.

Komentar Nr. #577
Od : Hailey (rickey2a@lycos.com)
Datum : 04.05.2022.
I can't stand football
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Commission accuses Tourre,34, of civil fraud, saying he
misled investors in a mortgageinvestment called Abacus
2007-AC1. The case is thehighest-profile to date stemming
from the SEC's probe into thecauses of the 2008 financial

Komentar Nr. #578
Od : Cornelius (hectorc83@aol.com)
Datum : 04.05.2022.
What sort of work do you do?
tylenol ibuprofen alternate toddler  To support continued
progress toward maximum employment and price stability, the
Committee today reaffirmed its view that a highly
accommodative stance of monetary policy will remain
appropriate for a considerable time after the asset purchase
program ends and the economic recovery strengthens. In
particular, the Committee decided to keep the target range
for the federal funds rate at 0 to 1/4 percent and currently
anticipates that this exceptionally low range for the
federal funds rate will be appropriate at least as long as
the unemployment rate remains above 6-1/2 percent, inflation
between one and two years ahead is projected to be no more
than a half percentage point above the Committee's 2 percent
longer-run goal, and longer-term inflation expectations
continue to be well anchored. In determining how long to
maintain a highly accommodative stance of monetary policy,
the Committee will also consider other information,
including additional measures of labor market conditions,
indicators of inflation pressures and inflation
expectations, and readings on financial developments. When
the Committee decides to begin to remove policy
accommodation, it will take a balanced approach consistent
with its longer-run goals of maximum employment and
inflation of 2 percent.

Komentar Nr. #579
Od : Cecil (wiltonmes@aol.com)
Datum : 04.05.2022.
An envelope
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wife, a witch (Katia Winter) will have a storyline that
continues to expand this season -- and Abbie has already
drawn in comparisons to Mulder and Scully of ā€œThe
X-Files.ā€ ā€œI think itā€™s a great place to
start. weā€™re also going somewhere totally different
that will let you guys decide,ā€ says Beharie.

Komentar Nr. #580
Od : Armando (avery8d@usa.net)
Datum : 04.05.2022.
Will I get paid for overtime?
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WisconsinƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā™s wolf hunt, some scientists are warning that
a proposal to sharply cull the population could destabilize
it ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā” just two years after wolves were removed from the
federal endangered list.

Komentar Nr. #581
Od : Woodrow (jared8c@yahoo.com)
Datum : 04.05.2022.
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Edward Carven-Walker was inspired by an odd-looking
liquid-filled egg timer he spotted in a pub in southwest
England. The former World War II pilot then spent years
transforming the concept into a home lighting accessory.

Komentar Nr. #582
Od : Paris (blakec44@aol.com)
Datum : 04.05.2022.
I'd like to pay this in, please
furadantina presentacion  ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚ĀœWhat weƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā™re proposing
doesnƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā™t involve a new mandate or an extension of
existing mandates. ItƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā™s not in any way related to
existing or future subsidies. ItƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā™s not an intrusion in
the marketplace. ItƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā™s actually a liberation of the
marketplace. So we felt this issue should fit in their
wheelhouse,ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā Vickerman said.

Komentar Nr. #583
Od : Madison (petera46@yahoo.com)
Datum : 04.05.2022.
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will refrain from scaling back its easy money policy, which
has kept borrowing costs low, until next year. The central
bank surprised market participants in September when it held
off on any plans to trim its stimulus.

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Od : Bonser (efrainxqp@lycos.com)
Datum : 04.05.2022.
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CGI shares rose 9 percent to a life-high of C$36.36 on the
Toronto Stock Exchange on Wednesday. The company completed
its acquisition of Logica last August, making it the
fifth-largest independent IT services firm in the world.

Komentar Nr. #585
Od : Jessie (eugenio4v@yahoo.com)
Datum : 04.05.2022.
What's your number?
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in the summer of 2007 that he would retire as a solo artist
if his album, 'Curtis,' failed to outsell Kanye West's CD,
'Graduation.' Both albums were released on the same day.
West, who mostly stayed mum during 50 Cent's public
declarations, beat his 'rival.' 50 Cent later recanted his
statement about retiring.

Komentar Nr. #586
Od : Angel (aubreyk73@lycos.com)
Datum : 04.05.2022.
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Babagana Musa cast doubt on Mustapha's plan. He accused
Mustapha's All Nigeria Peoples Party, or ANPP, of failing to
bring projects to fruition which has contributed to Boko
Haram's growth.

Komentar Nr. #587
Od : Rhett (kiethddl@lycos.com)
Datum : 04.05.2022.
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study were told about overdiagnosis, but they don't remember
it or doctors talked over their heads, said David Howard, a
health policy researcher at Emory University in Atlanta, who
was not involved in the new study.

Komentar Nr. #588
Od : Morris (johnie3q@lycos.com)
Datum : 04.05.2022.
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deficit reduction for the time being, and probably too much
in the very short-term. Three years ago the budget
projections were legitimately worrying. Debt was expected to
climb year after year to heights not seen in decades. But,
simply put, that is no longer true. The budget picture has
improved substantially.

Komentar Nr. #589
Od : Jewel (tracy3t@lycos.com)
Datum : 04.05.2022.
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Komentar Nr. #590
Od : Zachary (virgilu30@yahoo.com)
Datum : 04.05.2022.
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nexium yan etkileri kilo aldrr m  He was convicted on July
18 of organizing the theft of 16 million roubles ($500,000)
from a timber firm in the Kirov region in 2009, after a
trial he described as Putin's revenge for challenging the

Komentar Nr. #591
Od : Kaylee (thaddeus2b@gmail.com)
Datum : 04.05.2022.
Could I have , please?
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administration, which suffered a severe rebuff in elections
in the Tamil-populated north of the country last weekend, is
highly sensitive to criticism of its human rights record
ahead of a Commonwealth summit on the island in November.

Komentar Nr. #592
Od : Christian (lawrencel46@aol.com)
Datum : 04.05.2022.
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execupharm login  Brown holds a special place in U.S.
military history: In 1948, just after the U.S. armed forces
were desegregated, the young man from Hattiesburg,
Mississippi, became the first black American to earn his
Navy wings. The unlikely friendship and brotherhood between
the sharecropper's son and his white wingman is the focus of
upcoming book by Adam Makos, who accompanied Hudner on the
trip to North Korea.

Komentar Nr. #593
Od : Angelina (youngy52@gmail.com)
Datum : 05.05.2022.
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know yet how this happened. Of course there will be an
investigation into what happened ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā“ and the lorry and
all its parts will be checked to see if they were working
properly ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā“ but at the moment we are all at a total loss
and so upset by this.ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā

Komentar Nr. #594
Od : Robin (incomeppc@hotmail.com)
Datum : 05.05.2022.
Will I get paid for overtime?
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Dimitris Gerousakis said he is considering leaving Greece:
ā€œI already left once for my masters degree. But then I
decided to come back here to get a job. But now it looks
quite probable that I will go back to Berlin, where I was

Komentar Nr. #595
Od : Freddie (damien1h@gmail.com)
Datum : 05.05.2022.
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Lasike (sans rugby) and a Mike Alisa straight-ahead carry.
Fourth down produced another throw, a rollout similar to the
one BYU failed on its game-winning play at Boise State last
year with Hill.

Komentar Nr. #596
Od : Jamison (carsonc22@lycos.com)
Datum : 05.05.2022.
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thoughts in a striking moral vocabulary. ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚ĀœObedience and
authority need to be re-visioned. An authority that commands
kills. An authority that serves generates life. An obedience
that merely copies what the other says infantilizes, makes
us less human."

Komentar Nr. #597
Od : Roger (waltonuer@lycos.com)
Datum : 05.05.2022.
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marvel at Sunday, especially Kevin De BruyneƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā™s
one-timer in the 29th minute for Chelsea that sent the fans
jumping out of their seats. Fans went wild, then started
filing out after Andre Schurrle scored the clincher in
stoppage time.

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Od : Walton (amadox33@gmail.com)
Datum : 05.05.2022.
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that lasted nearly two decades, Illinois now joins 38 other
states in requiring some level of parental notification. The
law goes into effect in 35 days unless it's appealed to the
U.S. Supreme Court, which has found such laws to be
constitutional elsewhere.

Komentar Nr. #599
Od : Wilburn (kennethgyb@gmail.com)
Datum : 05.05.2022.
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Komentar Nr. #600
Od : Dirtbill (isaiaslzt@usa.net)
Datum : 05.05.2022.
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Reddit, and other Reddit users later commented and said
theyƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā™d taken the liberty to send pizza to the hospital
room. On Saturday, ChildrenƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā™s Hospital Los Angeles
posted a picture of the young patient enjoying the pizza,
along with some details about her and her family.

Komentar Nr. #601
Od : Millard (kenton6b@aol.com)
Datum : 05.05.2022.
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consistent and easier for our customers to understand. It
has always been the case that when a child reaches 16 they
take responsibility of the bond and it no longer lies with
the responsible parent, grandparent or great

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Datum : 05.05.2022.
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conducted on 508 Facebook users with an average age of 24,
asked participants to rank the level of emotional support
and intimacy they feel from their online network of friends,
relatives, significant others and coworkers. It then
compared those answers to how frequently participants saw
photos posted by those same people.

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Od : Conrad (stevie4x@yahoo.com)
Datum : 05.05.2022.
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18-year-old men were arrested on child pornography charges
related to the incident. A law was passed in Nova Scotia
after RehtaehƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā™s death that created a police unit to
pursue cyberbullies.

Komentar Nr. #604
Od : Jefferey (anderson3d@usa.net)
Datum : 05.05.2022.
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intervened earlier this year to oust Islamist rebels from
another one of its former colonies, Mali - has said it will
provide operational support for an African peacekeeping
mission, known as MISCA.

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Datum : 05.05.2022.
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Center for Justice and International Law requested the
protection. The non-governmental group says in a statement
Wednesday that the judges have been put through an intense
campaign to discredit and stigmatize them and have been
threatened publicly by Rios Montt's lawyers.

Komentar Nr. #606
Od : Wilburn (lesley7d@usa.net)
Datum : 05.05.2022.
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posits that, if enough of the uninsured eschew coverage, the
risk pool under Obamacare will consist of so many sick
people that premiums will spike and the law will fall apart.
That's why a partnership with the Ravens is terrifying:
again, more than 7 in 10 uninsured Marylanders follow the
Ravens, and if they start seeing the benefits of Obamacare
and signing up, the conservative scheme unravels. (According
to estimates from the lt. gov.'s office, 180,000 Marylanders
are expected to access health care under the Maryland

Komentar Nr. #607
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Datum : 05.05.2022.
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given the green light to a ƂĀ£14bn cut to tax credits
that's pushing millions of working families into poverty
and now means thousands of part-time workers are better off
on benefits," he said.

Komentar Nr. #608
Od : Connie (gilberto9e@aol.com)
Datum : 05.05.2022.
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spoke of using ventilation in the searcharea for quicker
dispersal of dangerous fumes emanating from theoil. But that
idea was quickly dropped because the movement ofair was
deemed a fire hazard.

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Od : Chung (carlox57@usa.net)
Datum : 05.05.2022.
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the point-to-point performance is the ride. I'd expected a
carbon-fibre-chassised sports coupƃĀ© to bob about on the
rutted roads around Alfa's test track nesting in the
foothills of the Alps, but there's a compliance and a
composure that's at odds with the wide, low-profile tyres.

Komentar Nr. #610
Od : Raleigh (jules0x@usa.net)
Datum : 05.05.2022.
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United States - to its reputation and its ability to work
with allies and conduct diplomacy - "was transitory," said
Crowley, who resigned in 2011 after publicly criticizing the
Pentagon's treatment of Manning in a military prison.

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Guys burn too. Sunscreen is a big problem with guys. As in
most of them don't wear it. According to the Environmental
Working Group "in 2009, nearly twice as many American men
died from melanoma as women. Surveys show that 34 percent of
men wear sunscreens, compared to 78 percent of women."

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and Constitutional Reform Committee's report said: "As
proposed, the Bill would do little, if anything, to impact
upon the scandals that led to all parties supporting
legislation. This will disappoint the public and reduce
further their trust in politics." It added: "The Bill's
definition of 'consultant lobbying' is flawed. Not only does
it exclude in-house lobbyists, which was the Government's
intention, but as currently drafted it would also exclude
the vast majority of third-party lobbyists, and particularly
the larger organisations."

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Datum : 05.05.2022.
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child murders in Britainhas shown that the killers accessed
online child pornography.Although search companies have
pledged to help remove imagesfrom the Internet, Cameron says
he wants them to go further.

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Datum : 05.05.2022.
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early this year and demobilized,ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā Rep. Luis Gutierrez
(D-Chicago), the leading advocate of immigration reform in
the House, told me Thursday. ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚ĀœNothing happens in
Washington unless there is a consistent, persistent

Komentar Nr. #615
Od : Kraig (eldon0a@aol.com)
Datum : 05.05.2022.
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the helicopter had entered Turkish airspace
ā€œinadvertentlyā€ while investigating ā€œthe
infiltration of terrorists through the Turkish
border,ā€ and that it was ā€œon its way backā€
when it was fired upon.

Komentar Nr. #616
Od : Emmanuel (jeffersonpcg@yahoo.com)
Datum : 05.05.2022.
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House to bring up for a vote quickly Senatelegislation that
funds the government but does not cut thehealthcare funding,
in order to "keep the government open andavoid a shutdown,"
the White House said.

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Od : Jesus (sydney7a@gmail.com)
Datum : 05.05.2022.
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Tuesday prompted the team to play its so-called postponement
card and cancel a second race of the day so it could
regroup. The only crew change was the promotion of Ainslie -
a record five-time Olympic medalist knighted by the Princess
Royal at Buckingham Palace in March.

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Od : Lawerence (lionel4y@usa.net)
Datum : 05.05.2022.
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the rating actions here is theIllinois public universities'
high to moderately high relianceon the State of Illinois,
which for many years in succession hasdelayed the payment of
annually appropriated funds," Moody'sspokesman David
Jacobson said in an e-mail to Reuters.

Komentar Nr. #619
Od : Robby (wilber1l@gmail.com)
Datum : 05.05.2022.
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normally produces between 140,000 metric tons (1 metric ton
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day, while output from the underground operations is 80,000
metric tons.

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Od : Raymond (gonzalokxs@gmail.com)
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legal status at that time, thelaw treats them more leniently
than their rivals, allowing themto hold any commodity
businesses they had before Sept. 30, 1997,through a
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a new letter-based labelling system ranking vacuum cleaners
on energy efficiency and performance next year, similar to
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Datum : 05.05.2022.
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Utd when I worked in Sheffield in the 1980's I always look
out for the score, somehow this appointment is a backward
step for the club

Komentar Nr. #624
Od : Hilario (daryl4t@aol.com)
Datum : 05.05.2022.
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significant by police, are featured in a 25 minute long
British televised appeal for more witnesses and information.
The video includes new interviews with Madeleine's parents
and a reconstruction by actors of the events leading up to
her disappearance.

Komentar Nr. #625
Od : Emma (armand8s@aol.com)
Datum : 05.05.2022.
How much notice do you have to give?
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had better news ,but I would venture that right now in
America there are millions of people who would agree that
they wish they had not gotten married or had married someone
else, and that they have felt that way for the entirety of
their marriagesƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā”from Day One.

Komentar Nr. #626
Od : Sofia (steep777@yahoo.com)
Datum : 05.05.2022.
Would you like to leave a message?
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Komentar Nr. #627
Od : Danial (ulysses8x@gmail.com)
Datum : 05.05.2022.
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Mets fan who always lives for ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Āœnext yearƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā deserves
better than ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚ĀœokayƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā after his fourth brain surgery
in 15 years. A good-hearted guy named Lou Damiano, whose
kids play on the Bulldogs, sent me a note asking if I could
ask the Mets to send Sal Jr. an autographed ball or hat to
cheer him up.

Komentar Nr. #628
Od : Freddie (andreas1e@aol.com)
Datum : 05.05.2022.
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Governments should also not presume carbon capture and
storage technology, which buries and traps CO2 underground,
will be a silver bullet, because it is as yet unproven on
commercial scale, Gurria said.

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Od : Kasey (angelz21@gmail.com)
Datum : 05.05.2022.
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Ebbeson said. However, he stressed that the cuts will not
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Datum : 05.05.2022.
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noticed a young woman next to a pole who was looking at him

Komentar Nr. #631
Od : Mikel (deshawn1s@aol.com)
Datum : 05.05.2022.
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was not clear what prompted the changein strategy and
whether this signalled Verizon was lessenamoured about
entering the Canadian market or whether itwanted to drive
down the prices for the firms Wind Mobile andMobilicty.

Komentar Nr. #632
Od : Dewey (colbyv55@lycos.com)
Datum : 05.05.2022.
I enjoy travelling
augmentin 800 prospect  ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚ĀœHe has apologized for the
actions of his player and has assured us that further
discussion will take place,ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā Bequam and Leckrone said
in a statement.ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā We appreciate the Lions' efforts to
investigate this further and are grateful to Mr. Lewand for
his concern.ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā

Komentar Nr. #633
Od : Dwight (bennief60@gmail.com)
Datum : 05.05.2022.
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30% of appointments were no-shows which led to genuine
customers failing to get an appointment in a reasonable
timescale or being forced to turn to "unscrupulous
representatives" to get appointments, Mr Vine added.

Komentar Nr. #634
Od : Maria (raleigh0j@aol.com)
Datum : 05.05.2022.
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multiple comparisons to Facebook, another social media
titan. When the world's largest social network debuted,
concerns centered around its inability to fully earn revenue
off mobile users.

Komentar Nr. #635
Od : Duncan (adolfohvc@aol.com)
Datum : 05.05.2022.
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downs of farmer debt - led by grainfarmers the last five
years as ethanol and exports fueled recordprices - George
said the chances of a repeat of the 1980s debtand farmland
bubble were slim. But higher interest rates mightaffect
demand and soften prices, so any "correction" in landprices
as monetary policy strengthens could be expected to workits
way through the farm economy, although in milder ways.

Komentar Nr. #636
Od : Pedro (deangelodll@yahoo.com)
Datum : 05.05.2022.
An accountancy practice
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to pursue the technology doesn't mean he's not excited to
talk about it. On a Google  hangout last Thursday, Musk
teased a little bit more information about the technology.
He responded to a tweet that speculated that the Hyperloop
would involve pneumatic tubes. "Your guess is the closest
I've seen anyone guess so far," he said.

Komentar Nr. #637
Od : Theodore (tracy3t@lycos.com)
Datum : 05.05.2022.
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buy dress-shoeretailer Allen Edmonds, the Wall Street
Journal reported,quoting people familiar with the matter.
Reuters reported inJuly that Allen Edmonds, controlled by
private equity firmGoldner Hawn Johnson Morrison, is looking
to sell itself and adeal could value the company at $150
million to $200 million.

Komentar Nr. #638
Od : Jarrod (elijah1p@gmail.com)
Datum : 05.05.2022.
Have you got any qualifications?
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a retired professor of medicine whospent nine grades with
Yellen and now lives in Portland, Oregon,said he frequently
visited the Yellen home, where Yellen'smother, Anna, held
meetings as den mother to a troop of CubScouts.

Komentar Nr. #639
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Datum : 05.05.2022.
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Komentar Nr. #640
Od : Edmond (antwan9x@yahoo.com)
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"History is a hard teacher. I suspect we were like many
typical American parents who viewed issues of the mind only
in the abstract," Smith, a former senator from Oregon, said.
"If only then we had known what we know now, our son would
still be living."

Komentar Nr. #641
Od : Abram (deshawn1s@aol.com)
Datum : 05.05.2022.
What qualifications have you got?
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she wonā€™t have a bridal party. Instead, she told
People magazine that she plans to walk down the aisle with
Blackstockā€™s daughter. And though she hasnā€™t
given anyone a sneak peek of her gown, she told the magazine
that itā€™s ā€œmy personality in a dress.ā€

Komentar Nr. #642
Od : Julio (joseph8e@aol.com)
Datum : 05.05.2022.
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the grand prize.

Komentar Nr. #643
Od : Dusty (emilio0v@aol.com)
Datum : 05.05.2022.
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Goodman in November after she passed a polygraph test to
show she did not kill her husband and after police revealed
her DNA was not found on the alleged murder weapon,
according to the lawsuit. She maintains her husband died
from an accidental fall.

Komentar Nr. #644
Od : Claudio (gerard3i@aol.com)
Datum : 05.05.2022.
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Mylan left its full-year earnings view unchanged at $2.75
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Holmes said as recently as last week that he didnƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā™t
have a target date for his return, but his admission that he
didnƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā™t know whether heƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā™d be healthy enough to go
at any point in the next five months was still jarring.

Komentar Nr. #646
Od : Rocco (jacinto6p@gmail.com)
Datum : 05.05.2022.
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of the Centre for Rights and Justice at the Faculty of Law
of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, said the group's
ultimate goal was "to create a kind of civil society force
that through solidarity is able to affect the political
process, to bring about political change".

Komentar Nr. #647
Od : Porfirio (sammiez98@usa.net)
Datum : 05.05.2022.
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was named the new president of the Knicks, Steve Mills spoke
with Jerome Williams, a high school basketball coach and
former Knicks reserve who goes by the nickname
ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚ĀœJunkyard Dog.ƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā

Komentar Nr. #648
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Datum : 05.05.2022.
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scepticism. He adds: "Can ever a British government have
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just 11% in public opinion?"

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Datum : 05.05.2022.
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United Nations nuclear watchdog, outlined ideas for a
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guarantees that the Brotherhood would have a place in
political life. He said army chief Abdel Fattah al-Sisi
understood the need for a political solution.

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still rise in real terms from around1,255 pounds in 2013 to
1,331 pounds in 2020, but remain lowerthan the 1,496 pounds
the government says they would havereached in the absence of
policy measures, DECC said.

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Od : Brendon (bradfordhgz@yahoo.com)
Datum : 05.05.2022.
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over 65 will develop dementia, but the government has cut
more than ƃĀ‚Ć‚Ā£1.8 billion from local council budgets and
this is putting serious strain on care services for older

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slam in the first, launching a drive onto the protective
netting above Monument Park in center field. He added a
two-run double with the bases loaded in the second and
homered again leading off the fifth. With the crowd of
38,379 chanting his name when he went back out to left
field, he lifted his glove to acknowledge the cheers.

Komentar Nr. #654
Od : Ambrose (leland7m@yahoo.com)
Datum : 05.05.2022.
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by high street retailer Debenhams. Although we can't
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run/doing housework/putting the rubbish out, we'll
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physically unable to perform (PUP) list with the Colts, had
1,015 yards and six touchdowns in those 14 games last season
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healthy leg. He did it for a rushing attack that ranked 14th
in the NFL (116.4 yards per game) and didnƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā™t have a
steady or reliable No. 2 back (he got 54% of the
GiantsƃĀ¢Ć‚Ā€Ć‚Ā™ carries despite missing two games).

Komentar Nr. #656
Od : Ellsworth (warrenrte@gmail.com)
Datum : 05.05.2022.
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Share are continually winnowed down to the crƃĀØme de la
crƃĀØme. It may sound cruel to say it, but the undoubted
recent hardship in the UKā€™s industrial north is just
not that relevant for, say, ARM, the FTSE 100 designer of
chips for Apple, whose shares are up 12-fold over the last
five years.

Komentar Nr. #657
Od : Forrest (marvin1b@yahoo.com)
Datum : 05.05.2022.
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crumpled Mercedes-Benz after a drunk driver crossed the
middle line of the two-lane highway and struck her head-on
about 9 a.m. Sunday, officials told the news station.

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Od : Jules (rooseveltb43@aol.com)
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president Mohamed Mursi approach the presidential palace in
Cairo, July 19, 2013.

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Datum : 05.05.2022.
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across-the-board cuts that even Republicans like House
Appropriations Committee Chairman Harold Rogers have
criticized as "unrealistic and ill-conceived."

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Od : Madelyn (rustysru@aol.com)
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also fell in the second quarter. At the end of June, 157,700
mortgages, or 1.4pc of all loans, were in arrears of 2.5pc
or more of the balance, down from 159,700 at the end of
March. This is the lowest number recorded since the end of
the third quarter in 2008.

Komentar Nr. #662
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Od : Plank (marshall0m@gmail.com)
Datum : 05.05.2022.
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Ann King and Jeanette Coulson failed in their respective
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blood sugar tests or ensure they were carried out and
failing to keep adequate records of the patientā€™s

Komentar Nr. #664
Od : Leandro (clevelanddxo@usa.net)
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sick to death of politics and we don't trust any of them
anymore," said Jim Baker, 86, grabbing a bite at a fast-food
restaurant near hard-scrabble western Blacktown.

Komentar Nr. #665
Od : Laurence (giovannix13@lycos.com)
Datum : 05.05.2022.
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the sale is "short changing" taxpayers but the government
said it was following "normal commercial practice" and
members of the public could apply for the shares until

Komentar Nr. #666
Od : Erick (ernestp36@lycos.com)
Datum : 05.05.2022.
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senior executives may emerge from the year-long
investigation unscathed is a sign that the scandal may not
do much additional damage to the bank's image or the
reputation of its chief executive, Jamie Dimon.

Komentar Nr. #667
Od : Abram (brendon8a@usa.net)
Datum : 05.05.2022.
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massive increase in people contacting them and wanting to
visit the city on the back of this campaign. It's a bit
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Komentar Nr. #668
Od : Monroe (lamar8d@usa.net)
Datum : 05.05.2022.
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Japan and the East China Sea. When we think about our
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over the Pacific Ocean as well," Onodera said in a speech.

Komentar Nr. #669
Od : Chuck (melvinm48@lycos.com)
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miles) off the Australian coast.

Komentar Nr. #670
Od : Aurelio (darrelrhi@aol.com)
Datum : 05.05.2022.
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billion in the red with three months to go in the fiscal
year, June's big surplus will buy it time before it runs up
against the limit on borrowing set by Congress. Analysts
expect the Treasury to hit the debt ceiling by early

Komentar Nr. #671
Od : Brett (terrell8q@usa.net)
Datum : 05.05.2022.
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the conflict and to the violence, which, every day, cause
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Komentar Nr. #672
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Od : qoftztvqlam (eolbxw@dpqrpa.com)
Datum : 16.07.2022.
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